Chapter 15

"Miss, stop teasing me!" Chu Xia blushed hotly after being teased by her so much, she quickly covered her face and lowered her head to stop looking at her, Yan Youyou chuckled lightly, this girl...

"Empress Dowager, this is the plate of cakes, you must be careful!" Mammy brought the cakes carefully, and finally did not forget to instruct her, Yan Youyou nodded, asked Chu Xia to take the cakes, and then quickly step away.

Looking at her straight back, Mammy seemed to be quite suspicious, until Yan Youyou's figure disappeared in front of her eyes, she finally sighed helplessly, and continued to go in to work.

I hope that nothing really happens.

On the way back to the dormitory, she met a person head-on, Yan Youyou signaled Chu Xia to leave with the pastries first, so as to save any trouble, Chu Xia nodded clearly, bowed to Ling Fengyu who was opposite, and then left.

Ling Fengyu looked at the thin and beautiful person in front of him, the silk handkerchief on Yan Wushang's chest suddenly flashed in his mind, his heart was restless, many images overlapped and recalled, and finally exploded in his mind.

Everything turned into two words containing countless emotions.


Hearing this Yoyo sound, Yan Youyou's breath stopped for a moment, and when she met his tender eyes, her heart was even more high, she smiled softly, "General Ling, what's the matter?"

"Hehe..." Ling Fengyu showed a smile uglier than crying when he heard her voice of General Ling who was distant and far away. Good luck! Empress Dowager, all blessings!"

Boom... Yan Youyou's heart was stunned, as if a big hole had been torn open, she felt pain even while breathing, she slightly widened her eyes and watched him bend down to him, salute to him respectfully, the smile on his face could be seen Heartbreaking, how sad.

A gust of wind blew by, and the peach blossom trees beside the two of them sprinkled peach blossoms, leisurely and gracefully drawing a few circles in the air, and finally landed on the ground, Yan Youyou frowned slightly as she watched the peach blossoms fall on his shoulder .

It seemed like a century had passed since the ceremony, the breathing of the two was clear and chaotic, "I will take my leave." After finishing speaking, Ling Fengyu stepped past her and left, Yan Youyou slightly turned to look at his fast-paced back. The peach blossoms fell down and came to her in front of her after a few turns, Yan Youyou slowly stretched out her hand, and the peach blossoms fell quietly into her palm.

Looking up at the corner where he disappeared, Yan Youyou pursed her lips lightly, closed her palms, turned and left...

The moment she turned around, she didn't know that the disappearing figure at the corner appeared again, and her sad black eyes were watching her leave.

"Miss, the things have been put in your room." Yan Youyou ran over and said as soon as she returned to the dormitory Chuxia, Yan Youyou nodded, walked into the room, and put the peach blossom in her hand into her favorite book on weekdays In the middle, this came to the table.

Yan Youyou looked at the plate of fragmented cakes, she held her chin and was thinking about something, Chu Xia who was standing aside was a little anxious, "Miss, what can you tell by looking at it like this?"

Yan Youyou regained consciousness, glanced at the hairpin on the dressing table, pointed, "Chu Xia, bring me a silver hairpin." In fact, Yan Youyou couldn't think of any clue just now, after all, this matter is very weird .

Chu Xia was a little dazed, but she took it as she did, "Miss, what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, let's talk about it later." Yan Youyou didn't seem to be as impatient as she was, she took the silver hairpin calmly and put it in the pastry, Chu Xia stared at it with wide eyes, the silver needle must be poisonous It's going to be black, what is the miss doing?
But a few seconds later, Chu Xia's eyes widened even wider, and she pointed at the silver hairpin that hadn't changed color in surprise, "Miss! This silver hairpin hasn't turned black! Could it be that nanny lied to us? She took it A plate of fake pastries?"

Yan Youyou seemed to have already thought of this result. Although she was a little surprised, she hadn't reached Chu Xia's level. She took out the silver hairpin and shook her head at Chu Xia, "Since she has already given it to me, she won't give me a fake one. Otherwise, when I find out, there will be reasons to convict her."

Yan Youyou's calmness and composure seemed to have infected Chu Xia. She swallowed her saliva, bent down and looked at the pastry in front of her, "Miss, if this is the case, why does the emperor get poisoned after eating it? It's obviously not poisonous!"

Yan Youyou lowered her eyelids, and after thinking for a while, she frowned and shook her head. This matter is really strange, just like what Chu Xia said, since there is no poison, why would Yan Wushang be poisoned? Could it be that the poison is something else? Cause?
"Miss, could it be the poison that the silver hairpin can't detect? Why don't Chu Xia ask the imperial doctor to have a look?" Chu Xia thought speculatively, there might be something incomplete in judging only by the silver hairpin, maybe This plate of cakes is really poisonous, so I called the imperial doctor and everything became clear.

Yan Youyou frowned, and shook her head resolutely, "No, if the publicity of this matter is so big, it might cause trouble for us."

"Miss, what... what should I do?" Chu Xia shook her head in distress, but couldn't think of any good solution, Yan Youyou also stroked her forehead helplessly, and the master and servant stared at the pastry in a daze.

"Ah! Miss! Mice! There are mice!" Just as the two of them were thinking to no avail, Chu Xia suddenly yelled and jumped up, pointing to the corner in panic, his face turned pale with fright, Yan Youyou was actually caught by her She was frightened, and when she saw a fat mouse in the direction of her finger, she felt hairy all over her body. Seeing that it was boldly running towards the two of them, Yan Youyou picked up the mouse on the table. pastry plate, toss it.

Pa... The plate was broken and hit the mouse. The mouse seemed to be surprised and shrank back, but then it smelled a scent, sniffed its nose and ran over. When it was sure that the thing in front of it was delicious At that time, he started to eat the pastry, and the little pastry left on the plate was eaten by the mouse.

Yan Youyou and Chu Xia stood not far away and watched it finish eating, licked its paws, and then swaggered away comfortably. The two looked at each other, and they couldn't conceal the shock in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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