Chapter 17

"Your majesty, this servant still hasn't" The little servant was really anxious, what should I do, he could clearly see the impatient look on Yan Wushang's face, and his eyes burst into tears. A little spark came, but he really didn't hear it, and now he was about to burst into tears.

Yan Wushang was furious and roared, "I'm asking you, what can you do when a woman's sunflower water hurts? If you keep saying that you can't hear me, I'll cut off your head immediately!" The deafening words made the surrounding guards The servants and maids all looked over, those little maids all blushed and lowered their heads, how could the emperor ask this question.

The little servant was obviously frightened, his legs gave way, and he knelt down with a plop, looking up pitifully at Yan Wushang who was full of anger, "Your Majesty, although this servant is said to be a eunuch, but this servant... this servant is not Woman, don't come here... The slave doesn't know..."

The little servant cried and shouted, although he didn't have what a man should have, he was still a man in the past anyway, he didn't come to that sunflower water every month, how could he know this...wrong...he I don't want to die...

Listening to his cry, Yan Wushang frowned, his face darkened, "Get up, I won't chop off your head if you don't know! You... come here!"

Yan Wushang raised his head again, and pointed to an ostrich-like court lady not far away, since they have heard it, they should find one out and ask, it's important for Yoyo, the others... are nothing.

"Your Majesty, my servant... my servant is here." The maid seemed a little terrified when her name was suddenly called, especially when she saw the appearance of the servant who was kneeling at Yan Wushang's feet just now, she was so frightened that her words were knotted and uneasy. Walking in front of Yan Wushang, he could feel his heart beating wildly.

"I ask you, how do you women solve your stomachache when you come here?" Yan Wushang's words were the same as before, they had already heard them nearby, but they didn't expect the emperor to ask again, this... how to answer this kind of question, How embarrassing, and the target is still the emperor, this...

"Say it quickly, I will reward you for speaking well." Yan Wushang knew that these questions were relatively private, so he said a little bit of temptation, and even his voice became less cold and hard than before, with a little softness, just Waiting for her to say it obediently.

As soon as the little maid heard that she was rewarded, she seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment just now, and said bravely: "Go back to the emperor... I don't know too many ways, but... but my mother told me to drink some ginger when I feel pain." Adding some sugar to the water can relieve the pain, or... a hot bath, or you can use a hand warmer to put on the lower abdomen. Slaves...slaves know so much."

"Just a few ways? But something is better than nothing, reward." Yan Wushang frowned, and nodded after pondering for a long time. Although he has no experience, as long as there is a way to relieve the pain, I'm afraid she will It hurts like that again.

"You... and all of you, come here and tell me that there is another good way, and there will be rewards!" Yan Wushang waved his palm again, and several court ladies who were already jealous and rewarded immediately told their housekeepers The ability is only a matter of on-site practice.

Yan Youyou, who was changing clothes, looked outside suspiciously, "What's the matter, it's so hot."

But if she knew that Yan Wushang was collecting her great aunt's pain solutions outside the door right now, she wondered if she would want to bump her head to death and never see anyone again...

After Yan Youyou changed her clothes, Yan Wushang came in again, followed by a few servants carrying trays, Yan Youyou was stunned, looked at him, "This is..."

Yan Wushang smiled triumphantly, waved his hand, and the servants behind him took all the things in the tray to the table, Yan Youyou looked at these strange things, blinked blankly, what kind of trick was he playing?
After placing the things, they retreated out in a regular manner, and Yan Youyou and Yan Wushang were left in the room again. He took two steps forward and waved to Yan Youyou, "Yuyou, come here."

The beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed, Yan Youyou was startled, and walked over.

"Yuyou, does your stomach still hurt now?" His eyes fell from her face to her stomach, Yan Youyou was asked by him, and thinking of the embarrassment just now, she couldn't help being a little shy, and ran away from him. With naked eyes, he uttered a few words stiffly, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

That is to say, but there is still some pain in the lower abdomen. The foundation of this body is very poor. In modern times, it doesn’t matter if she eats ice cream every time she comes to her aunt, so there is no need to worry at all. But after transmigrating into this body, every time This time of the month is the most painful time for her. She can't do any strenuous exercise at all, and even walks carefully, otherwise the throbbing pain will always accompany her, and she will break out in a cold sweat, let alone eat something cold. A little something, dream it.

Yan Wushang frowned distressedly, "Yuyou, look, this is something I asked you to prepare for you, if it hurts again next time, tell them to bring it. This is ginger soup, add sugar, drink it down It should be better. And this, hand warmer, you put it on your lower abdomen, it’s warm, it must be very comfortable, and this, nourishing soup, it’s best to drink it every day in the future, so that you can take care of your body There will be no such problems." Yan Wushang carefully picked up some things he specially prepared on the table, explaining the same thing, these were all found from those court ladies just now, although I don't know if they are useful, but It's useless to try.

Yan Youyou stared blankly at him while he was busy talking, her heart froze for a moment, looking at his gentle face, a warm current flowed into her heart, he was so concerned about this, at first she was still worried about him Will he secretly laugh at her, but everything he is doing now is to make her feel painless and to make her healthy.

Wushang, you are so stupid...

Pursing her lips lightly, the corners of Yan Youyou's mouth curved into a beautiful arc, she sat down beside him lightly, and put her hand on his arm, "Thank you, Wushang."

The soft voice was as light as a feather, and Yan Wushang, who was still eloquently speaking, gradually calmed down. He turned his head and looked at the woman in front of him in surprise, his deep black eyes overflowed with a smile. Smile from the bottom of my heart, especially when I heard her address, and her smile to him, her tenderness to him...

(End of this chapter)

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