Chapter 23

"Did you call her name indiscriminately? Don't call her!" Yan Wushang seemed to be domineeringly guarding his belongings, and sat between the two, staring at him threateningly, with fire in his eyes, wishing he could Burning him up, that dazzling smile made him feel uncomfortable, especially when Yoyo looked at him in a daze, damn it!

Qianye leisurely shifted his gaze to Yan Wushang, and frowned beautifully, "Do you know that you are very noisy, I am communicating with patients, and you always chirp with me like a bird of good news How about seeing a doctor?"

Yan Youyou's words made Yan Youyou burst out laughing, how could this man speak so viciously, and was even a bird of good news, she glanced at Yan Wushang's blue and black face and wanted to hold back her laughter, but she still couldn't hold back .

It was clearly very evil and sarcastic words that came out of his mouth so solemnly, with a refined smile on his face, and the appearance of a humble gentleman, it was indescribably funny.

Thinking about how a supreme king of a country would feel when he compared him to a chirping bird, she lowered her eyelids apologetically, but her pink lips still couldn't help but slightly raised.

"Damn it! You came here to mock me, right? Go back to your deep mountain, and don't come out again! Yoyo doesn't need you to read it, I will invite someone else to come!" Yan Wushang was extremely angry Oh, when has he ever been so embarrassing in front of Yoyo? After all, he is still an emperor. It is simply too intolerable for him to slander him in front of Yoyo!

So what about the genius doctor, he didn't believe that he was the only genius doctor in the world, so rampant as hell!

"Really? Are you sure?" Qianye uttered a mellow and mellow voice, and glanced at Yan Youyou with great interest, but Yan Youyou didn't understand the meaning in that look, what does this have to do with her?
"Sure, sure and sure! Go back to your deep mountains and old forests, don't come out to scare people again!" Yan Wushang nodded solemnly, he just saw that he was upset, what to do.

The two of them just stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, no one wanted to let it go, the atmosphere became a little stiff and subtle in an instant, Yan Youyou felt a lot of pressure when caught between the two of them, looked left, right Look, just as he was about to speak a few words of persuasion, Qianye turned his head away and stopped playing the staring game with him.

Then he looked at Yan Youyou with a smile on his face, Yan Youyou couldn't help sweating behind his back when he saw his bewitching face, especially that uneasy but still decent smile, "You won't let me see, I still want to see, Yoyo , tell me, why is it uncomfortable? Just ignore this lunatic..."

Qianye's voice suddenly became charming like a woman's, Yan Youyou's whole body was covered with goosebumps, and she couldn't help but guess that although this man had the air of a refined exile, he was actually like Yan Wushang in his bones Same, they are all monsters!
He glanced contemptuously at the man next to him with a black face like the bottom of a pot, he didn't care about adding fuel to the flames again, he changed his address from Yan Youyou to 'Yoyou', and even more to Yan Wushang The metaphor changed from bird to 'crazy'.

Yan Youyou couldn't help but find it funny, what kind of person is he, who can be so rebellious, disobedient, and calmly act like he has nothing to do with himself.

"You bastard! Damn it! I said you are not allowed to call her name! Damn it!" Yan Wushang stormed away and punched Qianye. He still had that faint smile on his face, not forgetting to raise his eyebrows provocatively at Yan Wushang.

It was the first time Yan Youyou saw Yan Wushang who was so angry that he would make a move. She didn't want to make things more embarrassing, so she wanted to dissuade him, but she didn't have time to open her mouth.

However, Qianye took the initiative to attack, and the palm wind swept across, Yan Wushang also nimbly dodged to meet his challenge, and immediately the two figures, yellow and white, became entangled and became entangled in front of Yan Youyou. group.

Yan Youyou supported her forehead, and sighed helplessly, did she come to see her for medical treatment, or to show her a fight.

The surrounding tables and chairs were flying all over the sky, and the vases became their funeral objects, shattering on the ground, Yan Youyou looked at the mess in her room with distress, and finally yelled out unbearably.

"Enough, what are you two going to do? If you want to fight, go out and fight, don't play wild with me!" Yan Youyou was so angry that she stared at the two men who were finally willing to stop, Qianqian pointed out the door , the meaning is obvious.

"Yuyou, don't be angry, I just have the same knowledge as him, don't hit me, don't hit me." Seeing that Yan Youyou was so angry, Yan Wushang immediately walked to her side obediently, giving her a good time to please her, and looked aside Qianye stared straight at him.

When had he ever seen Yan Wushang so docile like a kitten, it was simply a miracle.

"Hmph." Yan Youyou didn't agree with him, she turned her face away and refused to look at him. Seeing this, Yan Wushang couldn't help turning her head and glaring at Qianye. That look clearly said, "It's you, Youyou is angry." ! '

Qianye silently shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips into a smile, adjusted his breath, and sat down like a gentleman. Yan Wushang on the opposite side continued to coax the people around him helplessly. Qianye just looked at them quietly, It seemed that the two who were fighting just now were not at all, and they were so friendly.

Yan Youyou rolled her eyes, these two people still have one thing in common, they are both abnormal.

"Yuyou, he is my good friend for many years, and he has been living in seclusion in the mountains. His master is also an immortal medical doctor who saved my life. With him, all problems will not be a problem." Yan Wushang seems to be very fond of Qianye's medical skills. Confident, firm tone full of trust.

Yan Youyou couldn't help casting a glance at Qianye, is he really that powerful?
Her questioning gaze did not embarrass Qianye, but instead she smiled leisurely and looked at Yan Wushang embarrassedly, "How dare you praise me like that, so in your heart, I... powerful."

Qianye's voice carried a tinge of coquettishness, it was so numb that it made the bones of the whole body go limp, but Yan Youyou felt a chill. She was a bit evil after saying this, and she couldn't help showing a hint of a smile.

Of course, Yan Wushang also noticed Yan Youyou's slightly ambiguous smile, and suddenly felt uncomfortable, and a little blush appeared on his face, "Cough, Qianye, don't talk so much nonsense! Show it to Youyou, her health condition."

(End of this chapter)

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