Chapter 25

"I'm not nervous." Seeing his smirk, Yan Youyou felt as if all her emotions were under his control, and didn't like being seen through by him like this, so she stubbornly turned her face away and didn't look at him.

Qianye smiled and shook his head, took out a package from his bosom, Yan Youyou took a closer look, it was wrapped in aqua-blue fine cotton silk, his slender fingers lifted the corner of the edge, and in an instant, The cotton silk was spread out, and rows of fine needles glowing with silver light were displayed in front of the eyes. Through the sunlight, it was a little dazzling.

Silver needle?Before Yan Youyou could react, he saw that he had already pinched a silver needle with two fingers. He stared at her chest indifferently, but suddenly he narrowed his eyes and raised his hand. Several layers of her clothes had seeped into her skin. If it wasn't for the slight tingling in her chest, she would never have believed that the silver needle had such a penetrating power. The deformation of the body bent, and the slender silver needle was still so straight, until he let go of his hand, the silver needle was still not shaken at all.

"Empress Dowager, is there any pain?" After waiting for a while, Qianye took a sip of tea leisurely before asking Yan Youyou.

"Well, there is a little bit, and it seems... there is a feeling of being out of breath, can you... unplug it?" Yan Youyou felt that her breathing became more and more difficult, as if the surrounding air was getting thinner and thinner, She raised her head slightly, and her little face became more rosy, which should be the reason for her depression.

"Of course." Qianye answered neatly, and pulled out the silver needle directly with his hands. The moment he put it in his palm, a surprised and expected light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Huh... It's much more comfortable. Just now I felt like I was about to suffocate to death." Yan Youyou suddenly felt how happy it was to breathe the air, and took a few big gulps.

If she had to describe how she felt just now, it would be that when the silver needle was still in her body, she felt like she was blowing up a balloon.

And the moment she pulled out the silver needle, she felt that the balloon suddenly exploded...

"Master Qianye, what's wrong with me?" Yan Youyou once again covered her chest and looked at Qianye. "The empress dowager is not ill, so don't worry about it. It's just that she is a little anxious and needs to be recuperated." Qianye said a few words indifferently, and Yan Youyou could already memorize these words in Yan Youyou's ears. Doctors say the same.

Of course, she didn't have too much hope, because she knew exactly why this heart became like this, but she still couldn't solve it, so she gradually felt that hope was slim.

But from the beginning to the end, only she and he knew about this matter. He, of course, would not tell her how to heal her. If that was the case, he would have no weapon to restrain him.

All the reasons are his and her fault.

As if he noticed Yan Youyou's wandering spirit, he closed the cotton silk again, put it in his arms, and stopped talking.

The two remained silent until Yan Wushang finally couldn't bear to come in, which broke the somewhat stiff and quiet atmosphere. As soon as he entered the door, he went straight to Yan Youyou, and seeing her ecstasy, he immediately felt distressed, "Yuyou, What’s wrong with you?"

Yan Youyou seemed to have regained her composure from her thoughts, and shook her head lightly, "Wushang, I'm fine, I just feel a little tired." Her voice was a little powerless, and it sounded very weak.

"Okay, then you go in and rest first." Yan Wushang did not allow her to refuse, pulled her up, and pushed her into the back room.Yan Youyou no longer refused, nodded and walked in.

Her eyelids were so heavy, she just wanted to sleep now, she lay down on the bed in a daze, and fell asleep the next moment.

"What do you mean exactly?" Seeing Yan Youyou enter the room, Yan Wushang turned around and asked in a low voice. "Of course I don't mean anything, but it's better not to let her hear some words, so let her sleep for a while, so there's no need to make a fuss." Qianye looked up at him, and continued to drink his tea with his head down.

It was as if he wasn't the one who gave Yan Youyou the stun drug just now, without any guilty conscience at all.

"You... tell me, what happened to Yoyo?" Yan Wushang also put his anger aside, the most important thing now is Yoyo's body, the rest can be settled with him later!

"This is the needle I used for her just now." Qianye opened his palm, and a silver needle with black marks on the end appeared in front of his eyes. closed eyes...

Yan Wushang panicked. When he saw the black silver needle, he panicked completely. He stretched out his hand, and the moment he touched the silver needle, he felt his mind go blank. Looking at Qianye's mouth opening and closing. , he couldn't hear what he was saying, he only knew that his heart was trembling, she really had something to do!

"Is it serious? It's not serious, right? You can heal her, right?" Yan Wushang felt the pain in his heart being torn apart, he only heard his trembling voice.

Qianye fell silent, and suddenly recalled in his mind that his master called him to him once before his death...

"Ye'er, you have learned the master's lifelong knowledge, but there is one thing, the master has never taught you. The reason why the master did not teach you is because he is afraid that you will be on a road of no return in the future." Master sighed deeply, with an unprecedented sense of grief on his face, and a sense of vicissitudes in his eyes, Qianye suddenly felt confused, with no way back...

Could it be that there is no way back to study medicine? It was the first time he heard about it, so he became even more curious.

"Master, Ye'er can only learn medicine to save people, and will never go on the road of no return. Master, what are you talking about?"

"Ye'er, do you know why I won't marry for the rest of my life?" When it came to not getting married for the rest of my life, guilt and sadness flashed in the master's eyes, and his eyes fell on Qianye with kindness and gentleness.

Qianye remained silent, as if he was still waiting for Master's next words, because he could tell that Master was a man with a story, and he had been by his side for so long, he could often see him standing in the deep mountains when he was alone. At the highest point, he looked into the distance lonely and desolately. Several times, he actually saw the master weeping silently.

(End of this chapter)

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