Chapter 37

How powerful is this love cup? His master once told him that the silver needle can resist the activities of the love cup, and can also temporarily paralyze it, but now even the silver needle can't do anything to it.

He is now almost sure that there must be a love cup in Yan Youyou's heart, and it is a powerful love cup. If he has not inferred wrongly, the symptoms like today should be that the love cup has passed the initial stage and is gnawing on it bit by bit. her heart!

Thinking of this, even Qianye couldn't help but feel horrified. He fixed his eyes on her chest, his handsome face twisted into a ball.

He must find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise... Yan Youyou will definitely die!

Turning his head and watching the shadows reflected outside the door walking back and forth anxiously, Qianye knew that Yan Wushang would not be able to calm down if he didn't get rid of his love for a day, so he could only stabilize first and strive for the fastest time to calm down. The method of getting rid of the love cup that can be researched by internal energy, other than using blood to induce...

Qianye stared fixedly at the woman in front of him, thinking of her stubborn, happy, excited, disappointed, and sad expressions, and her cute expression when she wore a rabbit mask, purely like a child, his heart seemed to be I was pulled suddenly, and it hurt a little.

If such an elf-like woman leaves this world...

"Yuyou, you must support and be strong." He whispered in her ear, the heartache between his brows made Yan Wushang, who finally couldn't help but push the door open, see it clearly.

His tall body shook suddenly, his deep eyes narrowed instantly, a sharp light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it was still pitch black, like a bottomless abyss.

When Yan Youyou opened her eyes again, the first thing she saw was Chu Xia.

"Miss, you're finally awake!" Chu Xia saw her open her eyes with tears in her eyes, and happily wiped the tears from her face, "Miss, are you thirsty? I'll pour you tea right away." With some cracked lips, Chu Xia hurriedly ran to the side and poured her a cup of tea, helped her sit up, and brought it to her mouth.

Yan Youyou just woke up, her mind was still in a daze, her mouth was dry and her throat felt a little uncomfortable, so she opened her mouth obediently, feeling the warm liquid pouring down from her throat, and she immediately felt comfortable a lot.

"Chu Xia, what's wrong with me?" While drinking water, Yan Youyou briefly recalled, didn't she sit and eat with Yan Wushang?Why did she come here all of a sudden? She didn't even know when she fell asleep...

Moreover, Chu Xia was obviously crying just now, what was she crying for?Eyes are swollen from crying.

"Miss, don't you know? Last night you..." Chu Xia was about to say something.

"Yuyou!" A voice approaching a roar made Chu Xia tremble all over in fright. She turned her head to look at the person passing by, and immediately shut her mouth and did not speak any more. no regrets.

"Yuyou, you were probably too tired last night, so you managed to fall asleep after eating. You girl, don't talk too much about this kind of thing, so that you can't lose face and don't go on." Yan Wushang said There was a strong threat in the pair of black pupils, and a hint of warning in the cold voice.

Although the handsome face in front of him didn't get angry, but there was a heavy haze all over his body, Chu Xia was still trembling with fright, nodded and retreated, feeling a little run away.

She was too careless and forgot that the emperor told her when she was brought back last night that if she wakes up, she must never tell her what happened tonight, but she almost blurted out just now, luckily Yan Wushang Show up in time, otherwise she is really afraid that the creepy laughing emperor will kill her!
Watching Chu Xia's figure disappear in front of his eyes, Yan Wushang's tense face stretched out. He turned his head and gently looked at Yan Youyou who was leaning on the bedside. Stretching out her hand, she gently brought the strands of hair falling from her forehead behind her ears, and the love in her eyes seemed to overflow.

"Wushang, last night... what happened?" Yan Youyou looked at him fixedly, her clear water eyes just staring at him, her tone was firm and she could not refuse!
How could she not see the meaning in their eyes, there was clearly something to hide from her, why did she hide it from her, last time he was poisoned, she hadn't fully figured it out, and now she deliberately hid something from her.

"Yuyou, didn't I just say that? You are too tired and fell asleep while eating, that's it." Yan Wushang withdrew his hand and said lightly, he knew the reason was lame, but no matter what, he Will not tell her the truth.

Because, Qianye pledged his life, given him some time, he would definitely think of a way.

But no matter how he asked, and even put a knife on his neck, Qianye refused to tell him what happened to Yan Youyou, but just repeated a sentence to give him some time.

Well, he compromises, give him some time!Although the waiting time will make him feel more uncomfortable than digging out his heart, but for Yoyo, he can bear anything, no matter what, he will bear it!

"Yuyou, don't look at me with such suspicion, trust me, okay?" Yan Wushang felt her questioning gaze, couldn't help stretching out his hand, caressing her cheek, rubbing her dry fingertips lightly Delicate skin, plump and elegant handsome face showed a wry smile, slight waves shone under his deep eyes, his voice was a little low and a little hoarse.

Yan Youyou looked at his tired expression, with dark circles around his eyes, coupled with his heavy attitude, and the anticipation in his eyes, she nodded bewitchingly, lowered her eyelids, and said, "Okay .”

"Yuyou, thank you." Yan Wushang lowered his hand again, with a weak smile, and whispered in her ear, especially those three words, every word hit Yan Youyou's heart, a little shocked, stunned She stared at him blankly, her eyes a little dazed.

He has never said these three words in front of her. He still remembers one time when she accidentally said "thank you" to him, and he insisted that she never say it again, because he thought it was polite , not cordial at all, she was still wondering at that time, she and him were not related by blood, let alone the issue of cordiality, he was still so entangled in this issue.

(End of this chapter)

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