Chapter 52

This was the second time he begged him like this, and the miraculous two times were all for Yan Youyou, he couldn't help but feel puzzled, why such a woman would make Wushang like this, and make him love to such a degree.

Suddenly, Yan Youyou and his appearance when they sneaked out of the palace suddenly came to his mind.

With her smile, her happiness, her calmness, and her wisdom, Qianye suddenly realized that it was such an exquisite woman who captivated his heart.

Qianye simply sat down on the ground casually. He stretched out his hands and took away his hands covering his head, "Wushang, if you don't cover your head like this, you can escape like an ostrich. Back then, when you were fighting for the throne, that What about the ruthlessness of the butt? Take it out now! You have to cheer up! Find someone who loves her, and things will be a thousand times better than now!" Qianye looked into his eyes, not knowing what it was like.

"No, I can't gamble with Yoyo's life. As I said, no one in this world will love her more than me!" He had clearly heard from Qianye just now that this Gu worm has spirituality, and there is only one chance to exchange blood. , if that person's love for the person who has been vomited is not deep enough, then the voodoo may not come out.

Even if he finds another person who can give up his life for the person who cast the Gu, and let the blood out again, the Gu insect will not appear again. It is impossible to know whether the Gu insect is vigilant or too cunning.

But this is indeed the truth, so if he doesn't accept Qianye's suggestion, he absolutely can't let Yoyo to gamble. If the Gu worms don't appear by then, she will have no hope of living anymore, so he can't agree.

"Then can you gamble with your life? Yan Wushang, have you ever thought about yourself? Could it be that for a woman, you don't even care about your people, your country?" Qianye Although he knew that he said such words from the standpoint of brother Yan Wushang, he did not care about Yan Youyou selfishly. What kind of position to speak, it can be seen that Yan Wushang is like this, he can't bear it anymore, he doesn't want to be like this.

Yan Wushang finally remained silent, his silence was not hesitation, but Qianye thought that he had figured it out, so he took advantage of the victory and chased after him and said: "Wushang, there are many women in the world, and it is impossible for you to break through the world and get together because of your identities and status. , you will be condemned by the people of the world, do you understand? Instead of doing this, both of you will suffer, why force you to be together? Look away, maybe you will meet a better woman in the future." Qianye knew these words He may not be able to listen at all, but there is only so much he can do. If he still insists on going his own way, then he really has no choice.

In the room, the atmosphere of sadness spread, the two men became silent, Yan Wushang did not speak for a long time, Qianye also sat there quietly, the ground was a bit cold, but now he could not feel the slightest The coolness, the mind that was originally full of tiredness seemed to be much clearer, and now at this time, he must be extra clear.

Suddenly, Yan Wushang's unmoving body trembled, and he raised his head lightly, his dark eyes stared straight at Qianye, his thin lips parted slightly, and every word was clear.

"I don't want her to leave me for so many years... She is my support, you know? Without her... I, the emperor, I would never do it! In order to be with her, I will do anything to snatch her The purpose of this just to be able to see her, see her smile, and be with her, even for a few seconds, in my spare time." Yan Wushang said quietly As if his thoughts had drifted to him calling her Yoyo tirelessly, the appearance of her pouting in protest, and that cute coquettish attitude made him unable to move his eyes away.

Immersed in his own thoughts, Yan Wushang's lips curved up unknowingly, and there was a gentle smile on his bitter face, which is really weird.

Qianye listened to his words, looked at his expression, and sighed softly. He knew that what he said earlier was in vain, and he didn't listen at all. Maybe he didn't listen at all. , only the woman named Yan Youyou is left.

"Wushang, I really don't understand why you, like Master, do this kind of gambling with your life yourself." Qianye also knew that it was because of love, and love is a beautiful thing, but When there are heavy burdens on the body, that love will be extremely contradictory. At this time, the choice is of great significance, but so many people die for love.

Love is great, and the great ones don't even need their lives.

He also understands this truth, but he has never understood that love is such a magical thing that makes people confused, joyful, irrational, and desperate...

All of this was being staged in front of him, and he really wanted to ask him what kind of thing love was, and why they were so stupid in the eyes of a bystander like him.

Yan Wushang finally calmed down a bit. Like Qianye, he sat on the ground. The two of them sat on the ground and talked all night long just like when he was not on the throne. Time seems to have returned to that time, but at this moment The mood is completely different.

"Qianye, tell me, your master also chose to become a doctor for his beloved woman back then, until he found a solution, and even wanted to use his own blood to draw out the Gu worms in her heart." Yan Wushang said quietly As he spoke, his eyes passed Qianye in front of him, and he looked out of the window behind him, at the starry night sky, with a faint voice in his voice.

"Well, but after he went there, he found out that she had already passed away, and then he realized that this Gu worm can eat people's hearts." Qianye didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned this matter, although he was puzzled, But still nodded and said.

"He has been a doctor all his life, and he intends to use his own blood to save her. Why?" Yan Wushang's eyes remained the same, as if he was not talking to him, but talking to himself.

"For what? Of course it can save her..." Qianye frowned, and then said clearly, but Yan Wushang shook his head the next second, "Wrong, it's because he loves her, he wants to be forever Be with her." Yan Wushang said the key to love, this is love, to love someone is to want to grow old with her, to be with her forever, what love is to see the one you love is happy , Even if I am not with her, let her follow her own happiness, it is all nonsense, only he will give her happiness, if you really love her, it will make her happy to the extreme, if you lose it, what is love?

(End of this chapter)

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