Chapter 92

What is he doing now?

Is he comforting his Concubine Yue, smiling sweetly with her concubine Yue and talking about jokes...

Even with her eyes closed, Yan Youyou couldn't get rid of these wild thoughts, she shook her head irritably, and when she opened her eyes again, she found a black figure standing in front of her.

Because she was facing the sun, and her eyes were glaring when she just opened her eyes, Yan Youyou reached out her hand to block the sun, and only then could she see the man in front of her clearly.

"Why are you here?" Yan Youyou frowned, looking at Han Yanlin who appeared as silently as a ghost, and asked in surprise.

"Can't I come?" Han Yanlin sat down unceremoniously, his handsome face was still covered with a trace of sweat, shining dazzling golden in the sun, but he used all his strength to get rid of the follower The follower behind him did not expect Yan Wushang's subordinates to be so powerful, their martial arts were strong to a certain level, compared with him, he was simply a bit inferior.

Fortunately, he was cunning enough, so he finally got rid of him and came to her in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, her words were "Why are you here?" That reluctant and unwelcoming tone made his heart feel cold, and his enthusiasm could not help but dissipate a little.

Yan Youyou glanced at him, didn't speak again, but shifted her gaze to other places.

At this time, the matter of Concubine Yue was still unresolved, Qiao Jieyu died again, and he and Han Mingyue were still siblings, she was already annoyed enough, and he still made trouble, which made her feel even more depressed.

"What is the empress dowager worried about? Speaking of which, let Yan Lin help you share your worries? Could it be because of Qiao Jieyu's matter?" Han Yanlin bluntly said what was on her mind, and Yan Youyou frowned. His brows couldn't help but deepened, and he glanced at him, "Then the second prince, tell me, what's your opinion?"

Yan Youyou also imitated his slick tone, raised her eyebrows and said.

"Hahahaha..." Han Yanlin looked at her and laughed out loud. Yan Youyou heard his laughter and wanted to throw him out of Changle Palace. He came here just to laugh like this of?
If you are full and have nothing to do, you are still messing around with him.

Couldn't help giving him a blank look, Yan Youyou continued to turn her head away, Han Yanlin finally coughed twice after laughing, and became serious, "Actually, I don't think this matter has anything to do with Qiao Jieyu."

Yan Youyou was startled, and looked at him with a serious face.

"It seems that the second prince has a different opinion." Yan Youyou looked up at his serious expression, and said slowly.

"It's not a different opinion, it's just a matter of fact, Qiao Jieyu's dormitory still has drugs scattered on the ground, which means that Qiao Jieyu didn't commit suicide in fear of crime at all, someone killed her to silence her, and made her a scapegoat That's all, and there are some muddy footprints beside the bed, it can be seen that they are the footprints of a woman's shoes. And this person turned over from the back window, because only Qiao Jieyu's back window is a flower garden, The soil there just coincides with the one beside the bed, and I also went to that flowerbed to have a look, and there were footprints on the ground that were the same as those beside the bed." Han Yanlin spoke very carefully, even Yan Youyou listened They were all shocked, it seemed that he was more careful than his own investigation.

Probably because his sister was poisoned, so he wanted to find the culprit.

"It seems that the second prince went earlier than this palace, so tell me, who is this woman?" Yan Youyou asked him directly, looking at him without blinking, as if she wanted to kill him completely. Everyone seems to see through.

Being asked by Yan Youyou made Han Yanlin feel dumb. He did investigate and found a lot of suspicious things. These can prove that Qiao Jieyu did not commit suicide by herself, but someone intentionally killed her. The fact that she killed.

But if who killed her, he still hasn't figured it out.

"The empress dowager knows? Yan Lin is blunt. He only found out so much, but he doesn't know who the murderer is." Han Yanlin shook his head without concealing it. He really didn't know who did it.

"It's because I don't know, that's why I'm sitting here worrying. You just said that you would help me share my worries. It seems that the worries have not been shared. Could it be that the second prince is just a talker?" Yan Youyou mocked Glancing at him, he used what he just said to pester him with a half-smile.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. The empress dowager is good at sarcasm. Even Yan Lin is ashamed of herself." Han Yanlin didn't expect her to satirize him so sharply. caused by?
If she really changed, then he was suddenly worried, whether she would change back to what she was before after Yan Wushang did all that.Otherwise, he thought, Yan Wushang would definitely regret it.

"To each other, to each other." Yan Youyou smiled lightly, not paying attention to the meaning of the words at all.

"Actually, although I don't know who the murderer is, there is a more suspicious person now. Yan Lin wonders if the Empress Dowager would like to hear Yan Lin's dull opinion." Han Yanlin also smiled wickedly, meeting her eyes , said.

"Yeah." Yan Youyou answered his meaning with a muffled hum, and Han Yanlin didn't care about it, and continued, "If the suspicious people in this harem should be the emperor's three thousand beauties, because Mingyue is favored, so women are jealous, and when this jealousy comes, these women who stay alone in their vacant rooms should of course be praised as people who may poison." As soon as Han Yanlin finished speaking, she was met by Yan Youyou Roll eyes.

"Of course this palace knows. Normal people understand this truth without the second prince's special reminder. Do you want to tell me that the people you suspect are all the concubines in this harem? What's the difference between that and not saying? The second prince is Are you joking with Bengong? What a pity, this joke is not funny at all." Yan Youyou said coldly, fortunately she still wanted to hear whether the person he suspected was the same person she suspected, but she did not expect him to say that In this way, it almost made her want to kick him away from her.

"Empress Dowager, Yan Lin hasn't finished speaking yet, so don't worry." Han Yanlin sighed helplessly, before she finished speaking, she preempted her, and even mocked him again a meal.

(End of this chapter)

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