Chapter 98

So, if it is changed to the next time, I don't know what the harem will become. Everyone is in panic, and she, the queen mother, also has an inescapable responsibility.

However, Qiao Jieyu's death was a fact after all, and Yan Youyou suddenly felt that she had also become a murderer.

When she cried and begged herself to believe her, that scene was still vivid in her mind, but now she was no longer there.

When she died, she might still be expecting that she would be able to investigate the truth for her, and all of this, she might never have thought that it was Concubine Mei who harmed her.

Suddenly, I feel a little breathless in my heart. Is everything done right?It was obviously a good thing for me to give her innocence, but it turned out to be a bad thing.

The fists on her legs were unconsciously clenched into fists, and Yan Youyou didn't know how to speak. She really didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"However, don't blame yourself. If you didn't investigate this matter to give her the truth, she would still be waiting to die. It's just a matter of time. If no one investigates the matter, then everyone will be charged with her. She still has a dead end. Maybe, before she died, she thanked you for trusting her and helping her in such a situation. So, she doesn't blame you, the only thing she blames is... I don't know who killed her, and let her die with regret." Han Yanlin comforted her, but what he said was the truth, if Yan Youyou didn't want to investigate, her final result would still be a death sentence, and she couldn't escape.

Therefore, she has no reason to blame Yan Youyou, and she has no need to blame herself for her mistakes.

"Will you die with peace?" Yan Youyou murmured out these words, and suddenly an idea came to her mind.

"Oh, it's just a pity that Concubine Mei destroyed the evidence. The thing she gave to Qiao Jieyu has been taken back by her and destroyed. Now there is no evidence to prove that it was she who harmed Qiao Jieyu. There is no evidence to prove that she is the murderer of all this, and she also has martial arts, this matter is difficult." Han Yanlin suddenly sighed decadently, he had already learned a little bit through Qiaoer's mouth, That is, Concubine Mei has already destroyed all the things related to this matter, in order to prevent everything from being investigated on her own head. She is indeed very cautious.

"Han Yanlin, when all the evidence of a matter is wiped out, there is still the biggest proof hidden in the deepest part of a person's heart, which cannot be destroyed no matter what, do you know what it is?" Yan Youyou Suddenly speaking in a low voice, something in psychology suddenly came to mind. Although she doesn't understand people's hearts very well, she also understands the superficial.

"In my heart? I don't know about this, but I've heard that Concubine Mei has been in a trance recently, and the evidence has been wiped out. She still feels nervous and guilty. Of course, after doing such a big immoral thing, How could you not feel guilty after killing a person, maybe you will be woken up in a dream." Han Yanlin didn't understand what she was talking about, but after listening to Qiaoer, Concubine Mei still felt that there was something left behind At Qiao Jieyu's place, he would be found or something. He was in a state of nervousness all day long, always afraid of something.

It can be imagined that after all, she is a woman, she has to bear too many things, and she is also an unfavorable woman in the deep palace, so her ability to bear it is even worse.

"Yes, that's what I want. Han Yanlin, it seems that you have to do me a favor. I think the truth of this matter will come to light soon." Yan Youyou suddenly raised her head and looked at it firmly. Looking at the surprised Han Yanlin in front of her, as long as she is afraid, then things will be easy.

"Is there another favor? Empress Dowager, how many favors do you have? You can tell me all at once. Don't toss me to death one by one. Let's talk about it first. I don't want to sacrifice my appearance anymore. "Han Yanlin suddenly slipped his tongue, and it was too late to make up for it.

"Sacrifice your hue? When did I ask you to sacrifice your hue? Ah...haha... You can't get these news by sacrificing your hue with some woman, right? Say, who is it?" Yan Youyou was taken aback, Suddenly laughed.

"What, what! Don't talk nonsense, my uncle's beauty is never shown. Tell me quickly, what is your business, if you don't tell me, I have to leave. After this village, there will be no such shop." Han Yan A blush flashed across Rin's face, and he waved his hand in embarrassment, threatening.

How can you say this kind of thing, if you say it, where will you put your old face, right?
"Miss, are you really going?" Chu Xia froze after hearing Yan Youyou's words. Miss is going to find the emperor?But the emperor... If all he got in return was more sadness, Chu Xia hoped that Yan Youyou would not go.

"Well, I have to tell him about this and let him know that his verdict is wrong! Qiao Jieyu is not the murderer at all, I want him to see it with his own eyes." Yan Youyou nodded, took a deep breath, She said firmly that she had been thinking and hesitating for a long time about this decision, and in the end, she was still planning to go to him.

She had to tell him about this matter, she had been waiting for this moment to find out the truth of the matter, so she had to go in person!
"Okay then, but miss... if you see the emperor... with his concubine, you...will be sad, Chu Xia loves you, really loves you." Chu Xia grabbed Yan Youyou's hand, looked Looking into her slightly dazed eyes, he said softly.

"Hehe, it's only natural for him to be with his concubine, silly girl, isn't this what I was looking forward to before? From now on, I don't want to be sad, I really don't, I... don't Like him, don't you?" Yan Youyou's body trembled slightly, especially when she heard Chu Xia say the phrase 'he is with his concubine', her heart throbbed so badly, and then her face showed an indifferent look There was even a hint of a smile on his face, but in Chu Xia's eyes, this smile was uglier than crying!

"Miss! Don't deceive yourself like this, okay? Why don't you like him? You clearly like him...Why do you deceive yourself like this, Miss, can you tell the emperor? Chu Xia can tell that the emperor loves Miss, he is Miss Ai, if you tell him what you feel in your heart, maybe he is waiting for your words, maybe..." He has a difficult reason.Before she could say the following words, Yan Youyou let out a low drink, stopping her next words.

(End of this chapter)

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