Chapter 123 Sweet Love ([-])

sweet love ([-])

The sunset glowed red in the sky, indicating that tomorrow will be another sunny day.

Qi Zihan's face was gloomy, and he could squeeze out a catty of water.

Standing outside Tang Shanshan's rented yard, which he actually bought, Qi Zihan paced anxiously.

After discussing with Qiu Yun for a long time in the morning, he didn't think about what style to use to make a complete set of jewelry for his little girl. Seeing that it was getting close to noon, Qi Zihan ended the discussion with Qiu Yun that lasted for a long time.

Asking Qiuyun to go and have dinner with his little girl, Qi Zihan was thinking about where to eat, but Qiuyun told him that the young lady had left.

Qi Zihan was taken aback at the time, did his little girl come home?
He rushed to this house in a hurry, but was told that his little girl hadn't come back yet. Qi Zihan was in a hurry, and Madam Tang was also in a hurry.

After comforting his future mother-in-law, Mrs. Tang, Qi Zihan hurried back to the Yiran Women's Skin Beauty Club again. After asking, he found out that someone who looked similar to him and was about the same height followed his little girl.

Qi Zihan's face darkened instantly.

Annoyed like never before.

The person described by the staff of Yiran Women's Skin Beauty Club, besides his cheap emperor brother Qi Zixuan, who else could it be?

His little girl is with Qi Zixuan, so there is no need to worry about her safety, but why does his cheap brother appear outside the Yiran Women's Skin Beauty Club?
Who told him Shanshan was there?
Most importantly, what is Shanshan's attitude towards his cheap emperor brother?

Qi Zihan would never forget the look in her little girl's eyes when she saw Qi Zixuan as if she saw a cute little pet.

Although this kind of look indicates that his little girl Qi Zixuan has no idea, but who knows if she will slowly get in touch with her until she likes it because she doesn't hate her?

Qi Zihan didn't know that it was Tang Shanshan who ignored Qi Zixuan, but Qi Zixuan insisted on following behind Tang Shanshan. Instinctively, Qi Zihan thought that Tang Shanshan was willing to stay with Qi Zixuan, and he stayed for the whole afternoon.

The restlessness in his heart became more and more intense, and Qi Zihan walked faster and faster, but he still couldn't resolve the restlessness in his heart.

Until a carriage appeared in front of him.

Until that little figure appeared from inside the car.

Qi Zihan took a deep breath, went forward and was about to hold his little girl and hug her down, but his little girl snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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