Chapter 128 First Kiss ([-])

Feeling her body shaking and hearing the sour voice, Tang Shanshan opened her eyes in a daze.

A pale face came into view.

The eyes of the familiar handsome face were wide open.

Anxiety, panic, worry, fear... many negative emotions are in the eyes.

Rough panting, rapid heartbeat...

They poured into Tang Shanshan's heart together.

"Are you awake? Are you all right? What's wrong? Let me see!" A surprised and hasty voice reached my ears.

Tang Shanshan saw extreme joy from that familiar handsome face.

Couldn't help but smile slightly, stretched out his hand, and wiped away the tear.

The tears on the fingertips were warm and moist.

Tang Shanshan's heart seemed to be getting wet gradually.

Stretching her arms around Qi Zihan's neck, Tang Shanshan exerted all her strength, and she pulled the defenseless Qi Zihan down on the bed.

"You... as long as you're fine... as long as you're fine..." Qi Zihan wanted to scold her, scolding her for being naughty, and making him worry, but what came out of her mouth was just a murmur and a wish.

She's fine.

Her body trembled uncontrollably, Qi Zihan hugged her petite body tightly, sweat dripping down her back, as long as it's fine, as long as it's fine.

Just now her blushing face, tightly closed eyes, and rapid panting really frightened him.

"Hehehe..." Tang Shanshan buried her face in Qi Zihan's chest, feeling his obvious trembling, her heart was sour, unspeakably sad, but also full of joy, she wanted to laugh for some reason.

"Hehe..." The desire to laugh couldn't be stopped, Tang Shanshan hugged Qi Zihan, smelling the faint scent of grass on his body, she laughed louder and louder.

"Hmm..." Her mouth was blocked, and her laughter was choked in her throat. Tang Shanshan, who was laughing with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes, and in front of her was a magnified handsome face.

Sword brows and star eyes, so good-looking that people can't help but be fascinated.

It is said that many daughters of officials in the capital have ranked the second prince ahead of His Royal Highness as the wishful man in their dreams.

Because compared to the gentle and gentle His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the equally gentle and gentle Second Prince has a heroic air in his gentleness, which makes people admire him even more.

It would be great if His Royal Highness the Second Prince could like him.

However, the scene of Xiao Xiang, the daughter of all the officials in the capital, shocked Tang Shanshan extremely.

"Mmmmm..." At the end, Tang Shanshan was still blocked, so she could only say "hmmm".

(End of this chapter)

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