Chapter 136 Letter from Father ([-])

She didn't know if she loved Qi Zihan or not, but because of that inexplicable familiarity, she liked Qi Zihan, that's for sure.

And I like it very much, quite like it.

Qi Zihan also liked her.

she knows.

However, it seems that Qi Zihan is not the only one who likes her.

Maybe men in this era don't just like one.

Tang Shanshan gave a wry smile.

Back at her home, Tang Shanshan fell asleep, and Mrs. Tang asked her to get up for lunch, but Tang Shanshan only opened her eyes, said "I'm very sleepy", and fell asleep again.

Until the loud noise woke her up.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, and thank you, Imperial Physician Sun." Tang Shanshan vaguely heard Meiniang say words of thanks modestly.

"Prince"? "Royal doctor"?
These nouns just flowed through her mind, and Tang Shanshan turned around and fell asleep again.

Waking up again with an unbearable bitterness and disgusting fishy taste in my mouth.

Bitter, bitterer than coptis, the bitter heart, liver and lungs are all tangled together, crumpled like rotten cloth that has been ravaged thousands of times.

Disgusting, like someone poured rotten dirty water into the mouth, or like a broken rotten egg was stuffed into the mouth and nose.

Tang Shanshan sat up abruptly, and spat on the ground with a "wow".

So sad!


Tang Shanshan couldn't stop vomiting, until there was nothing in her stomach, and she kept vomiting, as if she wanted to spit out all the tangled heart, liver and spleen to feel comfortable.

Finally started to retch.

I couldn't help retching.

"Shan'er, my son, what's wrong with you, don't scare mother..."

Tang Shanshan heard her mother's cry, she lifted her head weakly and smiled at Mrs. Tang, then bowed her head and began to retch again.

"Come on, Miss, take a sip of hot water and rinse your mouth." Qingge carefully fed a cup of warm water to Tang Shanshan's mouth.

"Gudu Gudu..." As if no amount of rinsing could wash away the bitter taste in her mouth, Tang Shanshan frowned and leaned softly on Mrs. Tang's body.

"Shan'er..." Seeing Tang Shanshan's discomfort, Mrs. Tang felt as if she was worried, and patted Tang Shanshan's chest with trembling hands, trying to make her feel better.

After drinking some hot water, it seemed that the pain was not so bad. Tang Shanshan smiled weakly and comforted: "Mom, I'm fine."

"Also said it's are not allowed to eat indiscriminately when you go out..."

"Okay." The world is big, mother is the biggest, Tang Shanshan buried her face in Mrs. Tang's arms, and slowly closed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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