Chapter 152 The Flower Blooms on the Moshang (Part [-])

He wanted to marry her as his wife, as the concubine of the grassland.

And the changes she brought to the grassland after she came to the grassland during this period of time made him firmer in his belief: she is the concubine bestowed on him by the heavens and the mistress of the grassland.

I want to ride horses side by side with her and gallop across the grasslands.

However, all of this requires her consent, as well as the consent of the Central Plains Emperor.

Who told him to borrow the soldiers from the Central Plains to regain the position of Khan.

There was a glimmer of gloom in Zhuo Tu's eyes, the emperor of the Central Plains seemed to want to marry a princess more.

Does he want the people of the grassland to submit to the sharp spear and sword of the Central Plains?That also depends on whether the eagle that has soared in the sky since ancient times, or the horse that gallops on the earth, are willing to break their flying wings and tie their galloping legs.

No one can force the people of the steppe to...

"Why are you in a daze, come quickly, Ji Niang said to eat while it's hot." Just as she was thinking, the purest snow lotus in her heart came to her ear, and Zhuotu came back to follow.

The maid stepped forward and removed the ornaments on Tang Shanshan's and Zhuo Tu's bodies that hindered their meals.

Tang Shanshan was slightly taken aback, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, not to let her disappointment show.

The food on the dinner table is what Ji Niang observed that Tang Shanshan likes to eat, and there are even several desserts that Ji Niang learned to make for Tang Shanshan.

"Ji Niang, you are so kind." Tang Shanshan shouted happily, and was about to sit down, but found that the floor was still covered with a woolen blanket.

Tang Shanshan's face turned black all of a sudden, it's this again, her legs hurt so bad when she knelt last time, and she got a lot of bruises, didn't she tell him to change it to a table and chair long ago?
"Zhuotu, where are the tables and chairs I want?" Tang Shanshan asked Zhuotu, who was already kneeling on the wool blanket with a serious face.

"Troublesome." Zhuotu spat out two words, but Tang Shanshan didn't realize it for a moment. What burdensomeness?
Immediately knowing that Zhuo Tu was saying that the tables and chairs were too cumbersome, Tang Shanshan was a little annoyed, which one didn't have the tables and chairs, so why was it so cumbersome.

"Tables and chairs are not what people on the prairie should use. They are inconvenient to move with the carriage, but since Miss Tang is not used to woolen blankets, I will ask someone to make tables and chairs in a while." Ji Niang saw Tang Shanshan's face was ugly, And Zhuo Tu was sitting upright, not intending to comfort Tang Shanshan at all, so he hurriedly smoothed things over.

(End of this chapter)

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