Chapter 172 The identity of the kidnapper ([-])

Who is it?Tang Shanshan tried her best to search her mind, and the identity of this person was about to be revealed, but her eyes seemed to be covered by a layer of mist, and she couldn't remember it at all.

People's debate seemed to stop because of this man's stop, only to hear this man say a long series of words again, but Tang Shanshan couldn't understand a word.

"Crack..." There were footsteps in the chaotic voice, it should be someone walking away.

Tang Shanshan curled up, half of her body was already numb due to poor blood flow, but Tang Shanshan didn't dare to move a little bit. She wasn't sure how many people were still outside the wooden box, but she could be sure that there would be absolutely no one.

Tang Shanshan didn't dare to take risks.

Qi Zihan, where are you?Tang Shanshan suddenly missed Qi Zihan terribly. When he was around, she didn't seem to have to worry about anything, as long as she ate, slept, and slept. Anyway, someone would help her with those trivial matters.

But there was one thing about Qi Zihan that always made her feel uncomfortable.

He never seemed to refute her words, and even some of her inappropriate actions, he just smiled and never stopped.

Doesn't he have a will of his own?

I also want Zhuotu.

Although Zhuotu's wood sometimes made her very angry, he was actually kind to herself. He would help him build a battleground and help him punish those patriarchs who did not abide by the rules of the battleground.

He also generously gave Heiyun to himself.

After staying in the grassland for a long time, Tang Shanshan can also know that Heiyun is the legendary Wuyun treading snow, a very famous horse.

But it's just too boring, I don't like to talk or laugh.

Ah, it seems to be digressing.

Who were those two men and women whose voices sounded familiar to her?
Filter one by one in your mind, but things are always like this, when you inadvertently, you will always think of some messy people and things, but when you really want to think of something, they seem to disappear, Nothing can be remembered.

Tang Shanshan was a little frustrated, damn it, who is this couple.

"Aza... woo... um..." Suddenly, Tang Shanshan heard a female voice outside talking, but it was just a simple sentence, followed by two murmurs, and then fell silent.

His mouth must have been covered.

But that's enough.Tang Shanshan finally remembered.

(End of this chapter)

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