Chapter 174 The Identity of the Kidnapper (Part [-])

The person who spoke was a masked person. Tang Shanshan looked up and only saw a pair of eyes, which were very strange.

"Who are you? Where are you? Why am I here? Where is Zhuotu? Where is Zhuotu?" Tang Shanshan pretended to have just woken up, with a panicked and suspicious expression on her face, looking at the masked man Ask a series of questions.

The stinky thing just now seems to be often used as an antidote for Mongolian sweat medicine. Many TV, movie and novels say so, so, that is to say, these people drugged themselves, so they dare to speak unscrupulously. Don't be afraid that she will hear.

As she thought about it, Tang Shanshan pretended to be panicked, looking around and sizing up the environment she was in.

This is an empty tent, only the masked man and another masked woman exist, other than that, the tent is just randomly placed some wooden boxes, which are exactly the same as the wooden box I am in now, and on the head is On the curved dome, Tang Shanshan saw at a glance the cyan eagle that was about to fly, which made Tang Shanshan sure that she was still around the king's tent.

Because only the tent directly under the King Khan can be decorated with a blue eagle, which is the totem of Zhuotu's tribe on the grassland.

If she is still around the Wang Tent, her conjecture is even more affirmed. The person who kidnapped her is definitely not Passo. It would be better to kidnap Zhuo Tu directly.

Hearing Tang Shanshan's question, the masked man just smiled and waved to the side, and then the woman stepped forward.

"What are you doing?" Tang Shanshan growled at the masked man who suddenly grabbed her wrist.

The masked man just smiled, and the woman grabbed Tang Shanshan's chin, and rudely poured a bowl of cold porridge into her mouth.

"Cough...cough cough..." Tang Shanshan was choking and coughing, but the masked woman just covered Tang Shanshan's face with the handkerchief in her hand.

A strong fragrance came, and Tang Shanshan only felt that her head was getting heavier and heavier. Damn it, it had developed from a sweat medicine to a fragrance. These kidnappers are really powerful.

Then Tang Shanshan only felt her eyelids drooping, and then she didn't know anything.

(End of this chapter)

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