Chapter 189 Little tricks ([-])

"My son..." The miserable cry almost pierced her eardrum.

Baiyin didn't want to be nosy at first. After all, although the grassland is now attached to the Central Plains, but sometimes when His Royal Highness the Second Prince talks about the city bureau, Baiyin will hear that the herdsmen on the grassland are not very controlled. The life and death of the people has nothing to do with her, but Tang Shanshan kept sneaking into the crowd, and even pulled the onlookers to ask about the situation.

Baiyin could only stand helplessly and followed Tang Shanshan in.

Tang Shanshan got into the crowd and saw Aunt Tana holding her young son crying with snot and tears, and a boy in the clothes of a pharmacy apprentice was also crying and turning around beside Aunt Tana.

Tang Shanshan grabbed the onlookers and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Miss Tang, Tuo Mu was naughty and played with Nu Bo's silver needle. Who knew he stuck the needle into his arm, and now he can't find it." After a pause, the man whispered again: "Nubo said that the needle ran with the blood, and if it got to the heart, the person would die. That's why Tana was sad."

Tang Shanshan became anxious when she heard this, and quickly asked: "What about the doctor? Have you called the doctor yet?"

"I called, I went to call just now, it should be coming soon."

"What's going on?" Seeing that Tang Shanshan was in a hurry, Baiyin tugged at Tang Shanshan's sleeve and asked.

The conversation between Tang Shanshan and the herdsmen just now was all in grassland dialect, Baiyin couldn't understand at all.

Tang Shanshan simply relayed the incident, and while speaking, the crowd was in a commotion again, so it turned out that the doctor had come.

After listening to Nu Bo's narration, the doctor shook his head helplessly. The small one-inch silver needle fell on the ground and people with bad eyesight couldn't see it at all, let alone penetrated into the human body and circulated with the blood.

Medicine stone is invalid.

Aunt Tana had already stopped crying when she saw the doctor coming, and looked at the doctor hopelessly, hoping that the doctor could save her son, who knew what was waiting for such a result.

Aunt Tana felt her eyes darken, and she fainted out of sheer panic.

"My poor son..." The people around pinched and poured water, and it took a long time to save Aunt Tana. Who knew that Aunt Tana woke up and hugged Tulu cry.

Tuolu was only about five years old, and when he saw his mother crying sadly, he also cried in fear.

"Don't cry, I have a solution." Tang Shanshan was stunned for a while, and then yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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