Chapter 198 Magnet Magnet ([-])

"Bold! Who moved my master's things?" Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a loud roar sounded in the quiet air, and then a big black man like an iron tower pushed aside the crowd, saw the things in Imperial Physician Dong's hands at a glance, and immediately going to get it.

"Er Hei, what are you doing? Stand still and don't move!" Tang Shanshan hurriedly yelled to stop him when she saw that Big Hei was going to do something bad.

The big man named Erhei was aggressive at first, but when he suddenly heard Tang Shanshan's voice, like a mouse meowing, he immediately shuddered, turned around and ran away, my mother, why is she also here? .

Finally, Tang Shanshan stopped drinking quickly, and Erhei's hands didn't touch Imperial Physician Dong, nor disturbed Imperial Physician Dong's rescue.

"Come out, come out." Just as Tang Shanshan turned her attention back to Imperial Physician Dong, she saw a thin shiny needle protruding from near Tuolu's armpit, and then a silver needle about an inch or so was attached to it. The bottom of the "big spoon" shone brightly with a cold light.

Cold air rose from the bottom of Tang Shanshan's heart, my good fellow, this long needle stuck in the human body, and it is running around with the blood flow, it's too scary.

Imperial Physician Dong was also very nervous just now, after pulling out the silver needle, he seemed to be completely collapsed, sitting down on the grass and gasping for breath.

Tang Shanshan obediently took out her handkerchief to wipe the sweat of Imperial Physician Dong, and praised with sweetness in her mouth: "Grandpa Dong, you are really Hua Tuo alive and Bian Que reborn, it's amazing!"

Imperial Physician Dong stroked his goatee, smiled "hehe", accepted Tang Shanshan's service with peace of mind, and said, "Young girl has a sweet mouth, so please flatter my little old man."

"No flattery, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you always ask others." Tang Shanshan turned her head and saw Nu Bo standing there blankly, not singing and dancing like the others around her, so she asked casually: "Nu Bo , do you think grandpa is amazing?"

"Sir, you accept me as your apprentice, sir, I will be very obedient and work hard, sir!" Seeing that such an impossible thing was accomplished in the hands of Imperial Physician Dong, Nu Bo always thought that Several doctors in his pharmacy are Nu Bo, the most brilliant doctor in the world. His eyes were wide open, and he also had the idea of ​​learning medicine from this old man.

He had been hesitating for a while, fearing that Imperial Physician Dong would look down on him, so he was thinking about what to say, but when Tang Shanshan asked, Nu Bo gave it up, he didn't know what to say, he just asked this old man with supernatural medical skills.

(End of this chapter)

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