Chapter 28 As You Wish ([-])
as you wish ([-])
No one wants to be assassinated, no one wants to lie half dead in bed for more than half a year, no one wants to be in pain every day, no one wants to!
Qi Zihan clenched his fists tightly and shouted angrily in his heart, no one wants to do this!That's not his fault!
Why should he bear the consequences!Why did you do that to him!
Although he had thought about it for a long time, and saw it, anyway, things could not be changed. No matter what, he was still a useless person. This was almost an unacceptable shortcoming in the Qi Palace of the military family. In this case, he I don't want to fight any more, at least, the more I don't care about these things, the less I don't blame others, the happier my mother and concubine will be.

However, the heart still hurts.

Thinking of this, the mood that had long been like a pool of stagnant water fluctuated violently again. Why, why did you treat him like this?What did he do wrong?
"What's the matter?" Seeing that Qi Zihan hadn't spoken for a long time, Prince Qi raised his head to look at Qi Zihan, and asked with a more serious tone, the expression of impatience was particularly obvious.

"My son wants to marry Master Tang's daughter." I don't know where the courage came from. Facing the stern and almost ruthless gaze of Prince Qi, Qi Zihan blurted out the words that had been circling countless times in his heart, like a sprout breaking through the soil , stubborn and fearless; and it was like a big stone tablet that had been pressed in my heart for a long time was suddenly lifted, and my heart suddenly became free.The feeling of free breathing made Qi Zihan a little fascinated. For a long time, he hadn't fully expressed his opinion in front of his father. He always said "Yes, father." "My child understands, father." "..." With a submissive look, he actually looked down on himself a bit, but, for some reason, once he faced his father's stern gaze, he would involuntarily feel trembling.

This is the first time in so many years, the first time, he has expressed his true thoughts to his father!

His body was trembling, trembling uncontrollably!

This time, it's not because of fear!
be excited!
Excitement to speak freely!
The excitement of expressing your will!
It turns out that it feels so wonderful to be able to speak freely!

Prince Qi didn't seem to expect that Qi Zihan would say such a thing, he didn't even expect that Qi Zihan would not be afraid of his own gaze, no longer obsequious, no longer bowed his head, no longer flinched, and looked directly at himself!

After staring at Qi Zihan for a long time, Prince Qi said leisurely, "What did you say?"

Clenching his fists tightly, Qi Zihan straightened his back: "My child wants to marry Master Tang's daughter!"

Yes, not want!

It's about expressing your wishes, not asking for his opinion!
(End of this chapter)

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