Chapter 304 Empress Dowager ([-])

Concubine Zhen curled her lips slightly, then ignored Huixuan, and turned to Tang Shanshan and said, "Shanshan, have you been to the palace before?"

Tang Shanshan lowered her head and replied softly: "Reporting to Concubine Zhen, Shanshan has never been to the palace before."

This place, if it wasn't for nothing, she wouldn't come even if she was invited to come by eight palanquins.

"There are some good places in the palace." Concubine Zhen said with a smile, "You are still late. If you had come a month earlier, the peonies in the palace would have bloomed just right. It's a pity that you can't see them now."

"Shanshan is not blessed." Tang Shanshan perfunctory, hey, it depends on the peony going to Luoyang, that would be good, no matter how good the peony in the palace is, can it compare to Luoyang?

Concubine Zhen seemed to feel sorry for Tang Shanshan, and said with a smile: "But it's okay, there are no peonies, and other exotic flowers and plants in the palace are also competing for beauty. Let Yao Qingyaohong take you to have a look."

Then, not allowing Tang Shanshan to refuse, Concubine Zhen turned her head and said to the court lady who was standing respectfully on the ground: "Yaoqing Yaohong, the Crown Princess is new to the palace, take the Crown Princess to the Imperial Garden, let the Crown Princess Look at the scenery of the palace."

"Your servant obeys." A pair of maidservants in light green clothes came out of the line, bowed to Concubine Zhen together, and then said to Tang Shanshan: "Prince Concubine, please." 
Tang Shanshan looked at this posture, it seemed that Concubine Zhen had something to do behind her back, but even if she knew what Concubine Zhen was going to do behind her back, Tang Shanshan still had no choice but to pretend to be happy, facing Concubine Zhen bowed her head and said, "Thank you, Concubine Zhen. Then Shanshan will go out first."

Isn't it to discuss how to sell yourself?Tang Shanshan was very skeptical, but considering that Qi Zihan was still with Concubine Zhen, even if Concubine Zhen and Sister Huixuan wanted to sell her, Qi Zihan would not allow it.

Thinking about it this way, Tang Shanshan calmed down and began to appreciate the scenery of the imperial garden. Anyway, Qi Zihan was holding up the sky falling.

"Yaoqing Yaohong, how many years have you been in the palace?" While walking, Tang Shanshan casually found a topic to talk to Yaoqing Yaohong, otherwise the two would follow behind her in silence, like ghosts , It's so awkward.

"Back to the Crown Princess, the servant has been in the palace for three years." Yao Qing replied.

(End of this chapter)

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