Chapter 31: As You Wish (Twelve)

as you wish ([-])

"Say it again." Prince Qi sat down, looked at Qi Zihan, and said softly.

Prince Qi's expression had returned to his original solemnity. Qi Zihan was a little nervous because he couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but he would not back down, absolutely not.

"My son wants to marry Lord Tang's daughter!" Once again, Qi Zihan expressed his wish clearly and loudly, and raised his head. This time, no matter what, he will not give up. Must have, no matter the cost.

Staring into Qi Zihan's eyes, Prince Qi slightly sarcastically said: "With your body, you want her to be a widow? Huh?"

As if it was a blow to the head, Qi Zihan was suddenly awakened, his body?That's right, no one knew better than himself about his physical condition, it couldn't be worse.

He is 14 years old, but his height is not as good as that of 11-year-old Ziming. This is not the worst thing, the worst thing is that the addiction that flares up from time to time always torments him.

Because he was seriously injured after being assassinated when he was a child, he was in unbearable pain and wished to die. The distraught mother and concubine accidentally knew that a kind of smoke soil produced in the Southwest could relieve pain, so she begged for him through all kinds of hardships.

The effect of the smoky soil is really good, as long as there is not a little more each time, I won't feel the pain anymore.However, slowly, a little bit of smoke could no longer stop the bone-deep pain. The doctor said that it was because I had adapted to the smoke, just like drinking alcohol. At the beginning, I might get drunk a little bit. Slowly, It can be used in a very large amount, and the smoke is the same, so as long as the dosage is increased, it will have an effect.

Sure enough, if you use it more, you won't be in pain anymore.

Slowly use it more and more, and when the injury recovers a year later, he is still worse than death, because he can no longer leave that kind of smoke, once he stops taking it, he will frantically want to destroy himself like today.

What should he do?What can I do to get rid of it?
He tried to stop taking it, but, as if the eighteenth floor of hell was being hacked into pieces by knives and flames, he compromised again and again.

How could he marry her like this?Make her a widow?
In a daze, Qi Zihan forgot everything, and walked towards the door absent-mindedly. In this life, he was destined to be like this...

There is no hope, no future, maybe one day, he will die, and he will never have to see the sad face of his mother...

The future is bleak and life is gloomy. Is this my destiny?
Can't he have beauty?


When his head touched the door frame, Qi Zihan didn't feel any pain at all. There was nothing more sad than heartbroken, so what else could he say?

Opening the door ignorantly, the night wind was cold, Qi Zihan only felt dizzy for a while, and his body fell forward, instinctively holding the door frame, Qi Zihan was about to step out of the threshold, but in a blur, he heard a majestic voice saying: "Then as you wish."

As I wish?What do I want?Turning around, he looked blankly at his father's face, Qi Zihan didn't know what his father would say, did I ask for something?
It was as if the sun had broken through the darkness. Suddenly, Qi Zihan remembered everything, that girl who smiled as wildly as a rose...

(End of this chapter)

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