Chapter 311 Rouyun was demoted ([-])

Glancing at Concubine Zhen angrily, the little master Rouyun struggled to get up from the ground, but suddenly let out a pained "ah", which startled everyone. Tang Shanshan couldn't help but "hehe" sniggered when she saw it .

It turned out that the little master Rouyun's head had just hit the root of a bush, and the hairpin on his head was mixed with the branches of the bush. When he climbed up, the three families with hairpin rings and branches were like lovers in love. You can't do without Me, I can't do without you, and in the end it hurt little master Rouyun's scalp.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and serve the little master." Concubine Zhen stared, and the court lady who had just fought with Jingxiang hurried forward to help the little master Rouyun get rid of the troubles that were entangled with her. branches.

After a lot of hard work, little master Rouyun's hair was finally separated from the shrub branches, and only a few shrub branches that were reluctant to part were left hanging on little master Rouyun's hair.

"Ah!" After the little master Rouyun stood up, she screamed and rushed directly to Tang Shanshan. She had never suffered a loss since she was a child, and today she lost face in front of so many people. How could she swallow it? Take it easy.

"Rouyun, what are you going to do? Stop me!" Concubine Zhen yelled angrily when she saw that Rouyun didn't take her seriously, and even dared to hit someone right under her nose.

Rou Yun, however, is only focused on finding Tang Shanshan to get her back, and ignores Concubine Zhen.

Concubine Zhen was very angry, she gave Rouyun a hard look, and said: "Come here, hold my little master Rouyun back."

Several nuns rushed forward like wolves and tigers, and pulled Rou Yun back, but Rou Yun refused to let go, punched and kicked the nuns, and yelled at them.

It's a pity that her body is really thin, and she can't earn money from the tall nuns.

Really unable to break free from the shackles, the young master Rouyun stopped struggling, glared at Concubine Zhen with hatred, and shouted: "Quickly let these dog slaves let me go."

Concubine Zhen snorted coldly, without looking at the young master Rouyun who was clamoring endlessly, she turned to Tang Shanshan and asked softly, "Shanshan, are you okay?"

Keeping Jing Min's words in mind, Tang Shanshan picked up the handkerchief, wiped the corners of her eyes, and replied: "Return to Concubine Zhen, Shanshan is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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