Chapter 327

"Let go... I'll go by myself." Rou Yun gave Jin Wuwei a hard look, then turned to look at Qi Zixuan and asked, "Brother Zixuan, Rou Yun won't be able to play with you in the future, will you miss Rou Yun?" ?”

Qi Zixuan looked at Rouyun sadly, but said nothing.

"Brother Zixuan, let me hug you again, okay?" Rouyun begged softly.

Tang Shanshan couldn't help her nose sore.

Hateful people must have pity.

This Rouyun put in so much effort, in fact, in the final analysis, it was just for the word "love".

Love is all selfish, from this aspect, Rouyun is not wrong to protect her love.

It's just that she used the wrong method.

Perhaps, this is the tragedy of being in this society.

Tang Shanshan couldn't help feeling cold.

If Qi Zihan couldn't solve the problem, she would also have to marry into this terrible place.

Is today's Rouyun a reflection of herself decades from now?

Tang Shanshan didn't dare to imagine.

"Ah... come here... hurry up and call the imperial physician..." Suddenly, Tang Shanshan felt that she was suddenly pulled back a step, and then she heard several sharp shouts, which almost shattered her eardrum.

Looking up, Tang Shanshan was stunned.

On the open space in front of him, Rou Yun was holding a dagger in his hand. On the tip of the knife, a drop of scarlet blood was slowly flowing from the handle of the dagger to the tip of the knife. Slowly, a red mark was drawn on the knife. .


Drops of blood fell.

Tang Shanshan seemed to hear a "poof".

It was the sound of drops of blood meeting the earth.

It also seems to be able to see that the drop of blood splashed on the bluestone board, forming a flower-like shape, and the dust on the bluestone board was blown up by the force of the drop of blood.



Again the dust settled.

And Qi Zixuan was looking down at his chest and abdomen.

There—there was blood, slowly soaking the yellow brocade robe red from the inside.

Also like a flower.

Tang Shanshan covered her mouth, trying not to scream.

Suddenly it went dark.

It is a pair of soft hands.

Then a woman's voice came to mind: "Miss, don't be afraid, I'm here."

In a panic, Tang Shanshan couldn't tell whether it was Jingxiang or Jingmin, she just panicked and subconsciously wanted to find Qi Zihan's existence.

(End of this chapter)

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