Chapter 329 Forbidden Bamboo Rhyme ([-])

"Empress Chu, hurry up and eat." The little maid sent by Concubine An urged, but the little maid sent by Concubine Zhen—Yao Hong, just put the chopsticks in front of Tang Shanshan without saying a word.

Tang Shanshan shrugged her shoulders after glancing at the domineering court lady Xiaoxia.

"Empress Chu, what you did just now was indecent, please don't do it again in the future, otherwise Xiaoxia will have to tell Sister Huixuan." After seeing Tang Shanshan shrugging her shoulders, Xiaoxia spoke with Tang Shanshan with a straight face. Said.

Tang Shanshan glanced at Xiaoxia and asked with a smile: "Xiaoxia, are you the master or am I?"

She doesn't want to use this identity to oppress others, but some people just like to push their noses on their faces.

Xiaoxia still kept a straight face, and replied: "The empress concubine is the master, but as a slave, you have to think of the master. What you did just now is against the rules."

Tilting her head to look at Xiaoxia, Tang Shanshan chuckled: "Xiaoxia, I think you are more like a master than me."

After hearing this, Xiaoxia knelt down on the ground without hesitation: "The concubine Chu is joking."

Tang Shanshan snorted softly, turned her head to look at the dishes on the table, and comforted herself in a bittersweet way—forget it, just treat it as losing weight, and her arms can't always twist her thighs.

"Come, Yaohong, let's eat." Tang Shanshan called out to Yaohong, and Yaohong began to serve Tang Shanshan with food and vegetables.

As for Xiaoxia, Tang Shanshan decided to stretch her today. She finally realized that the concubines in the palace are very cruel to the maids, and sometimes they are forced. At one point, she climbed on the master's head.

After eating, Tang Shanshan lazily walked into the room to rest. The half an hour after lunch was the happiest time of her day. During this time, no nuns and maids came back to disturb her, so she could have a good time. Rest.

"Ah!" Just as she closed the door and raised her head to go to bed, Tang Shanshan suddenly saw someone pouring tea at her desk. Tang Shanshan couldn't help but screamed.

Dressed in white, gentle and refined, who else could she be besides Qi Zihan.

"You, you, you..." Tang Shanshan was so excited that she couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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