Chapter 341 The Prince Is Missing ([-])

It seems that something really happened.Tang Shanshan's heart skipped a beat, she forgot to bring "Easy to Kneel" and "Easy to Cry" that Qi Zihan had just dipped in pepper water for her the day before yesterday.

When the eunuch leading the way came to a palace, Tang Shanshan suddenly found that not only the emperor's concubine Zhen and Concubine An were here, but even the concubine empress was sitting on a chair with a dignified expression—— But his eyes were red, as if he was crying.

And the surroundings of the hall were even more tightly guarded. Under the bright lights, Tang Shanshan believed that even a mosquito would not be able to fly in.

Tang Shanshan was taken aback by the stagnant atmosphere in the hall, she glanced quietly at Qi Zihan who was standing beside the emperor, and then got a smile.

As if he said again, don't worry, everything is up to me.

Tang Shanshan calmed down with some fear, and saluted the emperor, queen and all the concubines in a dignified manner.

"Get up..." When he reached the old emperor, he asked Tang Shanshan to get up, and then beckoned her to come.

Not knowing exactly what happened, Tang Shanshan slowly walked up to the old emperor according to her words, bowed and said, "Shanshan has met the emperor."

But only seeing a look of pain flashed in the eyes of the old emperor, Tang Shanshan couldn't help but startled, in her impression, the emperor and empress are extremely powerful figures?
Pain, as if it shouldn't appear on their faces.

But the queen's red eyes clearly indicated that she had cried, and the old emperor's eyes were indeed pained.

"Come here, give Shanshan a seat." The old emperor didn't say anything first, but asked someone to bring a chair for Tang Shanshan. Tang Shanshan thanked Tang Shanshan, and then sat on the chair properly, waiting to know, this What the hell happened.

After staring at Tang Shanshan for a long time, the old emperor suddenly handed her some papers on the table.

Tang Shanshan had seen these pieces of paper a long time ago, but she never knew what was written on them.

This time I took it all at once, and just after reading two lines, Tang Shanshan was startled and took a breath: How could this be... The prince actually left the palace, and she also stated that she did not want to be the prince anymore, and hoped that the emperor Don't go to him.

(End of this chapter)

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