Chapter 352 The Prince's Position ([-])

When the guests and hosts were seated, Master Tang didn't beat around the bush, he just asked directly, "Your Highness the Second Prince is here, I don't know what's the matter?"

Qi Zihan smiled gently, dipped his finger into the tea, and wrote two words - Shanshan.

Master Tang was slightly taken aback. He thought that the second prince came here to be able to ascend the crown prince more safely, but he did not expect that it was for his daughter Shanshan. Master Tang looked at the second prince Qi Zihan suspiciously, to see what he wanted say what.

Qi Zihan just opened the lid of the teacup and looked at the clear tea in the cup with a smile.

Master Tang suddenly realized, and beckoned Hou's servant at the door of the study to come in and pour water for Qi Zihan, then got up and closed the door himself, and asked, "Second Prince, is this okay?"

Qi Zihan said seriously: "Uncle Tang, please call me by my name. If you call Zihan the second prince again, you will look down on Zihan. I'm afraid Zihan won't have the face to enter Uncle Tang's house in the future."

Master Tang pondered for a while, seeing that although Qi Zihan looked calm, he was very determined, so he stopped arguing about the address, and said, "That's all right, but in front of outsiders, you still need to pay attention."

"Don't worry about Zihan, Uncle Tang." With a smile on Qi Zihan's face, he nodded in agreement with Master Tang's proposal.

After saying this, Qi Zihan's expression turned serious, and he said in a low voice, "My nephew is here today, but he has something to discuss with Uncle Tang about Shanshan."

Thinking of his daughter, Master Tang couldn't help heaving a long sigh. Just now, in order to comfort his wife in the room, he endured the pain. Now, facing Qi Zihan, who almost became his son-in-law, Master Tang was not pretentious, and sighed, "If you had done it earlier, You and Shanshan decided to report to the police, and it will not be like this now. In the end, Shanshan is unlucky."

Qi Zihan smiled slightly, and said gently: "Uncle Tang, it's too early to say these things now, doesn't Uncle Tang want to know why His Highness the Crown Prince died all of a sudden?"

Hearing Qi Zihan's words, Master Tang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Qi Zihan who was smiling gently and gracefully in surprise. What exactly did he mean?
(End of this chapter)

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