Chapter 376 The golden cicada escapes its shell (21)

Golden cicada shelling (21)

Nodding noncommittally, the queen led the Taoist priest into Tang Shanshan's resting room.

As soon as he entered the room, the Taoist gasped, and then pushed the queen out of the room hastily.

Although the queen was taken aback by the performance of the Taoist priest, the ups and downs of the harem for many years allowed her to maintain her composure on the surface, and asked calmly, "Master Taoist, what's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, besides that evil thing, there is another evil thing in this room. The two of them seem to be incompatible." The Taoist said with a serious face, staring at the door of the room.

The Queen's heart skipped a beat, fire and water are incompatible, could it be—Rou Yun?
"Mother, now the poor Taoist is going to enter the house and feed the pills into the mouths of the people infected by the evil, so please step back a little bit, so that the evil will not jump over the wall in a hurry." The Taoist said to the queen with a solemn expression.

"This palace is the body of a real phoenix, so why be afraid of this evil thing!" The queen said solemnly and righteously.

The Taoist priest seemed to be in a bit of a dilemma, but seeing the queen's resolute expression, he stopped persuading, but let the accompanying nuns and maids back away, and brought the queen into the room by himself.

After entering the room, the Taoist priest went straight forward, pondered for a while, then took out a pill that was ephedra and had an unpleasant smell, and directly stuffed the pill into the mouth of Tang Shanshan who was still asleep.

Then, the Taoist took out the mahogany sword, swished it a few times, then lifted the cold water on the table and poured it into his mouth, and sprayed it somewhere at the foot of the bed with a "poof".

Immediately, a red mark appeared on that spot, like fresh blood, and Tang Shanshan, who was sleeping quietly on the bed because of drinking the tranquilizing medicine, suddenly blushed, opened her eyes but was speechless, Just clutching his chest and rolling over on the bed, it seemed to be in great pain.

A smile flashed in the Queen's eyes, and then it disappeared in an instant, and she stood solemnly.

After a long while, Tang Shanshan, who was rolling on the bed, turned as red as blood, and there was even blood oozing from the seven orifices, describing it as terrifying.

"&**@#...&..." The corner of the Taoist's mouth moved slightly, muttering something, the queen couldn't hear clearly, she could only see blood streaks flowing from the corner of her mouth to Tang Shanshan on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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