Chapter 385 The Love of the Rose ([-])

Rose Love ([-])

The palace people who came in and out all had beaming faces today.

The dignified maids and nurses all put on newly made clothes, and the palace people with lower status had already washed and cleaned the clothes they thought were the best, just waiting to put them on today.

Why?Today is the day when Crown Prince Qi Zihan married Cao Jingxue, the third lady of Grand Master Cao's family.

Who doesn't want to cling to the happiness of His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess Concubine.

Before dawn, the industrious palace people began to pick flowers—not other flowers, but roses.

It is said that both His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess love roses very much, so they chose a time when the roses in the palace were in full bloom for their wedding.

As the dawn dawned, bouquets of roses had already been pinned to the gates of the Prince's East Palace, decorating the Prince's East Palace into a sea of ​​flowers.

The auspicious time was approaching, and there were already sixteen pairs of little boys and girls in light-colored clothes standing at the gate of the palace, holding flower baskets full of rose petals, waiting for the princess to open the way after being brought into the palace.

The loud gongs and drums and the loud firecrackers suddenly rushed into people's eardrums. Everyone knew that this was the arrival of the princess's sedan chair.

The eunuch in charge of ceremonies was full of red faces, and shouted loudly—the person in charge of ceremonies is the biggest today, even the prince and concubine have to listen to him.

The sedan chair was carried into the palace gate.

Flower petals began to slowly float down from the top of the palace gate, and the entire palace seemed to be raining petals.

Beautiful and romantic...

The rose flower arches decorated in the shape of a heart stand one after another at the place where the princess's sedan chair will pass by...

When the sedan chair arrived at the Prince's East Palace, the entire Prince's East Palace was covered with petals of various colors, and the snow of petals was still falling, and the crown of the Crown Princess who had just been helped off the sedan chair was also covered with petals.

The prince Qi Zihan, who was wearing a red wedding dress, looked even more handsome today, with a gentle smile on his face, staring at the princess who got off the sedan chair with affectionate eyes.

"Jingxue..." Qi Zihan took a step forward and held Tang Shanshan—no, it was Cao Jingxue's hand.

"Qi Zihan, I want to regret the marriage!" Suddenly, the crown princess pulled off the hijab on the phoenix crown and shouted loudly.

The palace people are collectively petrified!
(End of this chapter)

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