full-time home son-in-law

Chapter 101 The Golden Medal Game Comes on the Stage

Chapter 101 The Golden Medal Game Comes on the Stage
Hearing the director's yell, the man who played the gangster before ran over to the monitor quickly.

Mike finally saw it up close this time. The young man is not very handsome, but his bronze skin looks very sunny and heroic.

The young man was very humble, saluted the director and Mike and said, "Director, are you looking for me?"

Mike could see the admiration in the director's eyes as he looked at the young man named Lu Chen in front of him.

The director sized it up and said with a smile, "Lu Chen, this is Mike, the assistant director who is in charge of your extras."

Lu Chen also hurriedly greeted Mike: "Oh, Brother Mike, I have heard others mention it just now, and please ask Mike to take care of you."

I have to say that the young man is really good at talking, which made Mike feel very comfortable, and nodded with a smile.

The director continued: "That's it. I think you have some acting skills, so I want you to come in the next few scenes. Do you think you can do it?"

As the assistant director, Mike knew very well that in the next few scenes, the part of the actor's role was not small.

Obviously, giving so many scenes to this young man who has just joined the crew in front of him shows that the director really likes this young man very much.

Lu Chen was not ambiguous, and quickly nodded and said, "Okay, director, I will definitely do my best to perform well, thank you director for giving me the opportunity."

The director smiled and waved his hands: "Don't be in a hurry to thank me. You have to fight for the opportunity yourself. Our funds are limited, and the film is limited, so if you want to get it, you have to give me a pass. If one comes out problem, then I don’t need you.”

Passed all of them?This is too exaggerated, even those old actors may not be able to do this.

What's more, it's a sideshow itself, and the scenes you have to play may be different. It's really difficult to pass so many different roles.

When Mike heard this, he had already started to suspect that the director might not appreciate this kid, but deliberately made difficult problems for him.

Now Mike's thoughts are: Could it be that this kid named Lu Chen has offended the chief director?

As Mike thought, he looked at the young man standing in front of him like a sunny boy.

Then, seeing the other party with a shy and confident smile, he said, "Good director, I will try my best to perform every scene well."

He actually agreed, actually agreed, is this kid crazy?Do you really think you can pass all the shots?
On the contrary, the director nodded happily and said, "Okay, I like young people like you, who are motivated, go prepare for the next one."

Mike stood aside and watched Lu Chen turn and leave. He didn't talk much from the beginning to the end, but he exuded such an indescribable sense of self-confidence.

After Lu Chen left, he went straight to the clothing side, planning to order a piece of clothing that he needed to play a role in.

For me, coming to the film and television capital is the beginning of a new challenge, and it is also the beginning of my dream of success.

He didn't have the slightest regret after leaving the Su family, because those things in the Su family should not have belonged to him in the first place.

The reason why he didn't leave directly was because he inherited Lu Chen's body in this world, and he always wanted to help him fulfill his last wish.

Help the Su family solve the crisis they are facing, help Su Linglu secure her position as the president of the Sihai Group, and help the Sihai Group obtain new investment.

All of this is the only thing Lu Chen can do. Now that he has done everything he can, there is no need to stay.

What's more, in Su Sihai's eyes, he was always just a tool, a tool that allowed Su Linglu to succeed and the Su family to continue to flourish.

I don't want to be a tool for the Su family, let alone a free volunteer for an old guy like Su Sihai.

However, after leaving, when I returned to my home and found out that my mother had left a book, I was a little caught off guard.

Although she didn't know where her mother had gone, judging from the contents of the left book, it seemed that her mother had already expected that she would leave the Su family.

What moved Lu Chen was that when his mother left, she also left a sum of money for herself.

Originally, when I went home by myself, I planned to give some money to my mother so that my mother could improve her life.

But he didn't expect that he was in vain. Instead, his mother specially left a sum of money for him as the start-up capital for him to leave the Su family to make a living.

Recalling that I saw the letter and the money, I felt very uncomfortable. For the first time, I deeply felt the greatness and heaviness of maternal love.

Carrying the money left by her mother, without the slightest hesitation, she went straight to the film and television capital.

This is a real film and television paradise in the world, and the entire city is built from multiple film and television bases.

It covers almost all the scenes shot in many movies, and the city as a whole is open, and ordinary people are not forbidden to come and go. Usually, when the filming crews are shooting, the section of the scene is closed, and other places still do not hinder other places. The traffic of people.

Everyone who entered the film and television capital consciously abided by such a tacit agreement, so the entire city was filled with various film crews and they were still in peace.

When he got here, Lu Chen also had to admit that it is not without reason that this world can achieve the supremacy of literature and art, and even surpass everything else.

Just like this kind of film and television capital, everyone in it will abide by the rules, whether it is the residents of the original city, or tourists coming and going, as well as the film crew who came here to shoot, and those actors who are looking for opportunities, everyone will be very tacit understanding , obeying unique rules here.

When Lu Chen arrived here, it was only after a few days of shopping, and after two days of groping, he finally figured out the rules here.

Then he changed his outfit and started his own brand-new role-playing career.

When they came to the clothing room, the person in charge of the clothing had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Lu Chen coming in, they immediately handed out the next piece of clothing.

Holding the clothes in his hands, Lu Chen asked a little strangely: "Aren't I changing clothes here?"

The person in charge of clothing said indifferently: "Where is there a place for you to change here? You can find a corner to change yourself."

Helpless, he could only walk out with his clothes on and found an alley not far from the crew.

But as soon as he stepped into the alley, he immediately felt that something was wrong. Someone was already waiting in the alley.

And the moment he stepped into the alley, the entrance of the alley was also blocked by several people who rushed over.

Aunt Ai pushed aside the crowd and walked in, looked at Lu Chen and said, "Young man, you really have a good idea? Do you understand the rules here?"

It's not the first time Lu Chen has come into contact with people like Aunt Ai. During the few days in the film and television capital, he has also come into contact with several such people.

From Lu Chen's point of view, the existence of this bullying guy is clearly the indulgence of the major crews and the acquiescence of the local security.

But what I didn't expect was that this group of people actually found me today. Even if it was rather embarrassing, I smiled and looked at Aunt Ai and replied, "Rules? I really don't know what the rules are?"

(End of this chapter)

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