Chapter 112
Pushing away the crowd, Lu Chen dragged Fang Dabao into the convention center and got into the crowd.

Fang Dabao looked at Lu Chen panting and said, "You are so courageous, do you know that Qian Zhicheng is now the boss of Sun Lao?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I know, I accidentally broke into their filming range before, and gave him a shoulder throw."

Fang Dabao looked at Lu Chen in surprise, somewhat inconceivable: "Isn't this the first time you hit him?"

With a smile on his face, he said very calmly: "I don't know, he is the guy who cheated you of your money. If you knew, you shouldn't have let him go last time."

Hearing this, Fang Dabao was really moved: "My dear brother, thank you for your help, I have given up half of my bad breath today."

Patting the other party on the shoulder, Lu Chen said: "Don't worry, brother, we have two swords together, and we will get our other half back sooner or later."

For some reason, seeing Lu Chen who was so serious and determined at this moment, Fang Dabao suddenly felt that what this young man said would definitely come true.

Nodding heavily, Fang Dabao said, "Well, I believe in you and will definitely do my best to help you."

When the two came to the water bar in the exhibition center, Lu Chen saw Chen Shihong sitting at a table near the corner at a glance.

Just as he was about to walk over, he saw another boy with oily hair and noodles sitting opposite to Chen Shihong.

"Shihong, you see we haven't seen each other for so long, why do you always look so cold? When we were in the dance academy, we were recognized as golden boys and girls. I still remember that we joined hands together and won the school award. The scene of a dance competition champion, a dance partner for many years, why are you so ruthless?"

After touching his heartfelt words, the greasy-faced man reached out and wanted to grab Chen Shihong's arm at the same time.

But Chen Shihong avoided it indifferently: "Xu Youxiong, please show some respect, we are just classmates, it doesn't matter after graduation."

Facing Chen Shihong's indifferent treatment, the man obviously didn't intend to give up just like this, and continued to beg bitterly: "Shihong, don't be like this, I don't want what happened back then."

"What's more, it's not a grievance for you to follow the young master of the Tang family, is it? Tang Tiandong is a rich man. Isn't it better for you to follow him than suffer with me?"

"And we can meet here today, which means that it is our fate. I know you still have me in your heart. Why are you so indifferent?"

Chen Shihong responded angrily: "Xu Youxiong, can you stop disgusting me? Why do you say I still have you in my heart?"

The greasy-faced man suddenly smiled and said, "If you don't have me in your heart, why did you refuse to participate in the next competition just now?"

Chen Shihong sneered and replied: "Why? Because you are there, and there are people like you as judges, so I am not interested in participating in this kind of competition."

Hearing this, Xu Youxiong continued to smile and said: "Hahaha, after all, you still can't let me go, so wouldn't it be great for us to continue our relationship?"

While saying that Xu Youxiong had already stood up, he pressed his hands directly to Chen Shihong's shoulders.

At this moment, a hand suddenly came out and grabbed Xu Youxiong's wrist.

Xu Youxiong was really taken aback by being grabbed by the wrist, and then angrily planned to reprimand him.

But how could Lu Chen give the other party a chance to speak, dragging him out of his position like grabbing a chicken.

He just punched him and fell to the ground, then turned his head and asked Chen Shihong, "Are you okay?"

The sudden fight in the water bar immediately caught the attention of everyone in the water bar.

After all, the water bar is not like the entrance of the convention and exhibition center. There are people coming and going there, and there are more bottom-level people who are busy entering the convention and exhibition center to sign up for the competition.

The water bar is usually full of rich and powerful people. Seeing such a scene of fighting happened naturally surprised these self-healing and wealthy guys in the water bar.

Xu Youxiong quickly got up from the ground and said to Lu Chen angrily, "What are you? Do you know who I am? How dare you hit me?"

Facing the angry roar calmly, he responded calmly: "You were the one who hit you. If it weren't for seeing that you have no friend Shihong, I would have crippled your claws."

Seeing the other party's calm face and unquestionable arrogance made Xu Youxiong feel a little terrified.

Because he was able to sell Chen Shihong, who had been in love for many years, to Tang Tiandong for money.

Seeing someone so arrogant, he had to figure out the other party's identity in his heart, worried that he would accidentally offend some important person.

Seeing Xu Youxiong's hesitation, Chen Shihong instantly remembered the past.

Back then, the two were the golden couple of the Shanghai Dance Academy, and they won many dance awards together.

Even all the teachers and classmates in the college thought that the two would eventually get together, and Chen Shihong thought so too at that time.

Because of the man, he did not hesitate to break with his mother, and went to open a dance studio with this man alone, and worked hard from the bottom together.

But no one thought that during another dance performance, they would meet Tang Tiandong by accident.

As a result, Tang Tiandong found Xu Youxiong, expressed his admiration for Chen Shihong, and promised at that time that as long as Xu Youxiong left voluntarily, the Tang family would give Xu Youxiong a chance to directly enter the Dancers Association, so that he could show himself on a bigger stage His dancing posture made him a real big name in the dance world.

Faced with the temptation of money and fame, Xu Youxiong finally chose to betray, without saying a word to Chen Shihong, and transferred the dance studio to Tang Tiandong.

Seeing Lu Chen's hesitation in the face of Lu Chen without knowing the identity of the other party, it is almost the same as the situation back then.

For this man, the character of being intimidating and bullying has already penetrated into his bones.

Because he didn't know Lu Chen's identity, Xu Youxiong suppressed the anger in his heart and asked seriously: "Who are you? Chen Shihong belongs to you?"

Lu Chen did not expect that the person who was barking his teeth and claws one moment would be able to suppress that anger the next moment.

Facing such a guy, Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I am Chen Shihong's friend, so please show some respect."

After hearing this, Xu Youxiong suddenly felt that the man in front of him did not seem to be the mysterious big man he had guessed.

Then the arrogance became arrogant again: "What's the matter? Is it reasonable for you to hit someone?"

Lu Chen replied neither humble nor humble: "I hit you because you owed it. A person who doesn't know how to respect women shouldn't hit you?"

The second half of the sentence obviously seemed to be asking the people around him. Seeing the people around him nodding secretly, Xu Youxiong suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Bite the bullet, stepped forward and said, "Hmph, Shihong and I are classmates of the Dance Academy, isn't it normal for old classmates to meet and make out?"

"What's more, what's more, I didn't touch her. You punched me as soon as you came up. How can this matter be justified?"

Before Lu Chen could reply, another voice suddenly sounded from outside the water bar: "Of course it doesn't make sense. A guy with strong limbs and a simple mind like him doesn't deserve to stand here at all."

Following the sound, Fang Dabao, who was standing next to Lu Chen, was startled when he saw Qian Zhicheng leading two policemen to push away the crowd and walk into the water bar.

(End of this chapter)

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