Chapter 115
That night, Lu Chen, Chen Shihong, Wang Aiping and Fang Dabao drank almost all night in the small hotel.

Not only to celebrate Fang Dabao's rebirth, but also to wish Chen Shihong to get rid of the scumbag he used to be.

Anyway, the four drank a lot of wine in the small hotel throughout the night, of course Chen Shihong and Fang Dabao drank the most.

At the end of the drink, Fang Dabao fell down first, and was carried back to the last room on the second floor by Lu Chen.

After Chen Shihong drank too much, she hugged Lu Chen tightly and cried, venting all the grievances she had suffered.

What made Lu Chen feel the most depressed was that Wang Aiping jumped up to join in the fun when she saw Chen Shihong's appearance, but Lu Chen was hugged and cried by two women like this.

Let the two women cry completely, and vent all the bitterness in their hearts into tears.

In the end, Lu Chen sent the two crying and sleeping women back to their respective rooms, and cleaned up the inside and outside of the small hotel by himself.

He locked the door of the small hotel again and went back to his room.

After taking a shower, sitting by the window of the room, suddenly the drunkenness and drowsiness disappeared.

Thinking of the experience in the film and television capital of the past few days, thinking of witnessing the story of Fang Dabao and Chen Shihong today.

Suddenly, no matter which world you are in, there are always some people who are working tirelessly to pursue their dreams but are always in a trough. Everyone is facing a trough that is temporarily difficult to climb out of. They all need an opportunity to completely recover from the trough. Go out and rebuild the lost confidence.

Like Fang Dabao, Chen Shihong, and the proprietress of the small hotel, Wang Aiping.

Each of them has their own advantages, and they all have certain specialties that they are proud of.

However, none of them have been able to truly reap the success that should belong to them. Instead, they have always been in a lower position.

I came to this world by myself, and in just one week, I gained fame and achievements.

But in fact, those don't belong to me, those are just a little vassal obtained by me under the operation of the background of the Su family.

In the whole process, only the Su family got the most benefit in the end, and their own fame was just an accessory.

So now I have to work hard, get rid of that situation, and fight hard for myself.

In this world where literature and art are paramount, he is on the celebrity list dignifiedly and becomes a celebrity who is truly famous at home and abroad.

Thinking of this, he opened his laptop and found the previous script again.

Then I started a new round of revisions to the script, and decided to let everyone around me really participate in it.

It took a whole night to make changes, and it was not until the sky began to turn white that the final script was finally finalized.

The final revised script incorporates more features of this world, and greatly changes the original plot of "Old Boy".

Instead of going to bed, I closed my notebook and rushed into the washroom. After washing up, I changed into my coat and went out for a run again.

When I came back from my run, I brought back a pot of Chun’s Xiaolong Tangbao, and I plunged into the kitchen again to prepare the hot porridge for the morning.

The hangover for two consecutive nights can be said to be a huge burden on the two girls, so they didn't get up until nearly ten o'clock in the morning.

Wang Aiping, who got up, saw at a glance the steamed buns and hot porridge on the dining table in the hotel lobby.

He glanced at the kitchen and said, "Your boy is really full of energy. After drinking wine for two nights in a row, you are still so brave."

Lu Chen poked his head out from the kitchen and said with a smile: "I didn't drink too much, unlike you, everyone has a story, and they get drunk when they talk. I'm a happy person, and I don't There are so many past stories to tell, and in the end the wine was naturally drunk by all of you."

After hearing these words, Wang Aiping immediately shouted angrily: "You little cunning, it turns out that you simply avoided drinking, let us get drunk, and took the opportunity to take advantage of us."

After hearing these words, Lu Chen instantly became dazed, and subconsciously stretched out his hand, but almost plunged it directly into the hot porridge pot.

Fortunately, the puff of hot air made Lu Chen wake up in an instant, and quickly withdrew his hand and wailed in pain: "Oh, I'm going, I almost boiled my hand."

Seeing this, Wang Aiping clapped her hands and applauded: "It's great, I boiled your paws, and we just have a pot of pig's trotter porridge."

Lu Chen turned on the faucet and said while rinsing, "Do you have any sympathy?"

Wang Aiping hurried into the kitchen, pushed Lu Chen away and said, "Go away, look at your clumsiness."

Naturally, Wang Aiping did the cooking herself next, and made a few small pastries to go with the rice porridge, and then the two people upstairs also got up one after another.

When the four of them sat down to eat, Wang Aiping patted a box of scald ointment to Lu Chen and said, "Here, I'm too clumsy to cook a meal."

Lu Chen didn't care about it, and complained after scalding cream: "He really has a heart of stone, and he doesn't have any sympathy at all."

Wang Aiping immediately shouted: "Say more? If you say that I have no sympathy, believe it or not, I will put this bowl of porridge on your head?"

Seeing that the two were still arguing, Chen Shihong said, "Okay, okay, can't you two have a good breakfast?"

Hearing what Chen Shihong said, Lu Chen suddenly remembered that since he came to live here, there has never been a day when he has not quarreled with Wang Aiping.

In the past, she would be scolded by Wang Aiping every day when she came back, but Chen Shihong has been here for the past two days, and she is hungover every night, and she started arguing at breakfast.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said helplessly: "Okay, Shihong has already said it, so we will try to minimize quarrels from now on."

Wang Aiping curled her lips and looked disapproving, apparently not paying attention to Lu Chen's words.

Lu Chen waited for Chen Shihong to drink the porridge and asked, "By the way, since you're not going to participate in the dance competition, what are your plans next?"

Chen Shihong thought for a while and said, "I should be planning to go back. Anyway, I don't have anything to do here."

Hearing this, Wang Aiping immediately said: "Don't, my good Shihong, you finally came here, do you have the heart to leave me so soon? What's more, if you leave, only me and these two people will be left here. Old man, do you have the heart to leave me to such two rough men?"

When Chen Shihong was told by Wang Aiping, seeing Lu Chen and Fang Dabao's depressed faces, she couldn't help laughing: "But I really have nothing to do when I stay here."

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly said, "Well, if you really have nothing to do, why don't you help me and help me finish my micro movie."

"Help you finish your microfilm?" Chen Shihong was startled, "You mean, let me participate in the filming?"

Lu Chen nodded: "Yes, I wrote the script last night, do you want to read it first?"

After speaking, Lu Chen stood up and ran directly to the upstairs room, ready to show everyone the script written last night.

Seeing the back of rushing upstairs in a hurry, Chen Shihong suddenly shouted: "You didn't sleep last night, did you?"

A quick response came from upstairs: "Yeah, I was a little excited after drinking last night, so I just wrote the script, but I didn't sleep in the end."

Just as he was talking, Lu Chen had already returned with his laptop in his arms, cleaned up the things on the desktop, and then opened the laptop to find the script file for Chen Shihong to read.

(End of this chapter)

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