Chapter 1001 Goodbye Old Friend

Lu Qianji was a little puzzled and said, "How is this possible? Couldn't our city walls protect us?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "Your city wall can't protect you at all, because even a tall city wall will collapse at some point, so only you can protect yourself."

Hua Yong was a little puzzled and said, "Why can't we protect those people? The walls in our tribe can protect us, why can't those tall walls protect them?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "Sometimes no matter how tall the city wall is, it can't compare with people's hearts. If people's hearts are not in harmony, it's like no matter how high the city wall is, it's useless."

Lu Qianji sighed slightly and said, "You're right, it's true that there are all kinds of intrigues in it now, and it's no longer the time to join forces to fight against foreign enemies. I'm afraid it will take a long time, and I'm afraid they will I fought it myself, which is why I left there and came here."

Hua Yong was a little puzzled and said, "If that's the case, why do you want to go back? Don't you feel happy staying in these tribes?"

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, sighed and said, "It's not that I'm very happy here, but I have to go back, because my father has told me to go back, saying that his health is not good. , as children, how can we sit idly by."

Hua Yong frowned slightly, and said sadly, "I don't know who my parents are, and I don't know who my previous memories are. When will I be able to remember everything, and when will I be able to remember everything?" To be able to find my own loved ones."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, touched Hua Yong's head helplessly and said, "Don't worry, one day you will always remember all this, but now you really have to be ready to face the outside world." Are those powerful enemies prepared? You must know that once you pass here, you will never have any chance to regret it."

Hua Yong shook his head slightly and said, "Although I don't know what kind of danger I will face, I believe that I will be able to bear it. Master, you don't have to worry, but master, don't you plan to join us?" go?"

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "You have grown up now, so you have to do your own thing well, so you need to face many things by yourself. I can't accompany you every day, so now you need to It's time to be on your own, just protect yourself, these food and money are the last things I will give you, I hope you can make a good name for yourself."

Looking at Hua Yong and Lu Qianji who had already left, Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and towards a very secret place, he snorted softly and said, "You guys, don't you think that you haven't given up yet? You have to ask me to kill you all to know what regret is."

An old man in black came out quickly and said with a soft smile, "Don't get me wrong, we are just curious to see what you want to do with him, but we didn't expect you to It’s really not to kill him but to turn him into the person he is now. Isn’t this a waste? This is a person who can make so many of us become strong people who can break through to the Dao level. Is there some reason for you to do this? Too merciful?"

"You guys will never break through with the kind of mind you have. When you can hone your character, you still have a chance to break through. If you don't make any changes, you I will never break through the strength of Dao level in my life." Bai Yunfei said lightly.

The black-robed old man was even more puzzled and said, "But what are you trying to do by doing this? This kid now has his own soul, has his own consciousness, and has now begun to step into the path of cultivation, and His identity allows him to practice very quickly, and I'm afraid he will be able to sit on an equal footing with us in a short time, if he plans to be your enemy at that time, wouldn't you lose your wife and lose your army?"

"It's interesting what you said. Why did he definitely become my enemy?" Bai Yunfei said lightly.

The black-robed old man suddenly didn't know what to say. In fact, what he wanted to say most was this. They were all afraid that this kid would cause trouble for them when he grew up. If he ate it, if he really had such a memory, then all of them would be in danger.

Bai Yunfei had also seen their thoughts, smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, he won't trouble you, after all, he didn't really have his memory at that time, so you don't have to worry, as long as you are wrong If he does anything, he will not come to deal with you, but if you plan to take action against him, then you must be prepared to bear my anger. Of course, if you are going to recruit some addresses to find If they are in trouble, then of course I will not have any objection, after all, it is also good for them, but if the big bully the small, then don’t blame me for being really rude to you.”

The black-robed old man shook his head slightly, and said with a soft smile, "With your guarantee, of course I can rest assured. As for whether other people will believe it or not, it's none of my business, but I will let you I told them the words, if they don’t believe it, then let them find their own death, do you think it’s okay?”

"Yes." Bai Yunfei said lightly.

The old man quickly informed Bai Yunfei of what he had said.

Bai Yunfei sat aside very relaxedly, quietly looked at the distant sky, and smiled.

"I really don't know when I will be able to continue such leisure like now. I'm afraid such leisure days will soon be gone. I really can't bear it."

"I didn't expect there to be something you don't want to part with. This is really unexpected. Why are you going to do something now? Is there a shocking event?" Mo Yun didn't know why he appeared here, and smiled softly Said to Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any surprises, and said softly, "But I really didn't expect to come here, and I would choose you to fight. This is really beyond my expectation."

(End of this chapter)

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