Chapter 1008
Lu Qianji snorted slightly and said, "It seems that you are here to compete with us for him, do you know that you, an old guy, come to compete with us children, why is your face so big, no one will stop you Are you there yet?"

Qin Hu was very angry immediately, and said coldly, "You two little ones are uttering such wild words. Now I will teach you a good lesson, so that you don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Qin Hu turned his hands into claws, and quickly grabbed Lu Qianji.

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and waved his hands quickly, only to see that his hands turned into golden fists, jingling and jingling to block Qin Hu's attack.

Looking at the unharmed Lu Tianji, Qin Hu immediately took a few steps back, and said in disbelief, "How is this possible? How can you have nothing to do? This is simply impossible. You continue to attack me."

I saw Qin Hu directly and quickly waved the paw in his hand, and quickly moved towards Lu Qianji to grab it. Now he has a new idea to kill Lu Qianji.

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "Can you have other intentions? Do you really think that you can kill me with this one move? If you are like this, then I will kill you." I give you a slap and hope you can hold on, if you can't hold on, then you can only die completely."

Lu Qianji directly and quickly gathered the power of his whole body, and saw that his palm actually appeared, and the red flames approached. These flames burst out instantly, and a very huge red handprint quickly moved towards Qin Hu inside. flew over.

Qin Hu's face suddenly changed, and he waved the weapon in his hand quickly to block all the flames, but he was so tired that he almost didn't have any strength, but at this moment, a new thing happened again. occur.

Immediately, many Hua disciples rushed up directly and quickly, and they directly faced Hua Yong without saying a word, and Hua Yong and the others launched an attack.

After Hua Yong burst out laughing, he quickly took out Fang Tian's painting halberd, and threw it at the surrounding enemies. All the disciples of the Qin Qin family who rushed up immediately flew upside down, spitting out their mouths with serious injuries. Blood, no one dared to stand in front of him anymore.

At this time, there was no longer any play, but he quickly waved his colorful palms and continuously attacked Qin Hu.

I only heard the two of them clanging their hands, and after a while, I saw them stagnate under the feet, cold and hot, and became very soft, but after a while, they became 10 points again. Hard, this has exceeded their expectations.

At this moment, Qin Hu suddenly heard a triumphant voice, flew upside down, and hit the ground heavily, leaving no marks on his chest.

Hua Yong frowned slightly, walked over quickly, and said coldly, "You should already know the gap between us by now, do you really think that your strength is considered strong? We It’s just that I drank some wine with you, could this offend you, and you have to come to trouble us, you are really arrogant.”

However, Lu Qianji took out a fan from nowhere, and said with a slight smile, "Even if you talk to them more, it's useless. Let's get out of here quickly. I'm afraid it won't take long." , they will completely seal the city gates and prevent anyone from going out, that would be a real delay."

Qin Hu coughed slightly, and said coldly, "You are considered to be people, so what about me? There are more people, do you really think you can leave here alive? Now all the people of the Qin family I have already regarded you as an enemy, do you really think that you can escape? I think you should just obediently capture them with nothing."

Lu Qianji's head hurt a lot, and he said coldly, "It seems that we are really going to kill them directly. If that's the case, let's watch all of you good boys die in front of you. When you see them After the dead body, you will regret it."

Hua Yong looked at the two pitiful people, shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't know what's going on with you two, it's just a small matter as big as a slap, but it has been acted out by the two of you into such a big event now." , I really don’t know what to say to the two of you.”

Qin Hu was slightly stunned at this moment, and said a little puzzled, "What did you mean by that just now? Don't you come here to trouble us, don't you come here on purpose to make trouble, aren't you traitors?"

Hua Yong suddenly shook his head helplessly, and said coldly, "What you said is very light, whoever you heard said that I was a traitor, or whoever you heard said that my martial arts are not very good, you This is purely burying my master, and I absolutely have the right to deal with you properly now."

Qin Hu laughed and said, "These small tricks of yours are of no use to me at all. You must know that I was a very good expert when I was young, so I have learned more than you. I have learned more, do you think I will be afraid of death?"

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said to Hua Yong indifferently, "Brother, it seems that this guy really doesn't like us very much, and he actually knows his mistakes and refuses to correct them. How do you deal with a person like this?" What? According to my disposition is to kill them all, what do you think?"

Hua Yong shook his head slightly, and sighed, "If you follow your method, I'm afraid they are all dead now. They didn't commit any fatal things, and there is no need to directly take their lives. Well, so what is the difference between us and them?"

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly and said, "But if this is the case, we still have a lot of troubles, and maybe they will come to trouble us after they drag it down. This is simply planting hidden dangers for ourselves. Don't you know?"

Hua Yongdun laughed and said, "I know everything you said, and I have already considered what you are worried about. Don't worry, there won't be too much error, so just wait obediently. OK."

Lu Qianji shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't know what to say about you, but with your benevolence, no one cares about it at all."

(End of this chapter)

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