Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1010 Fighting against Qin Xuelong

Chapter 1010 Fighting against Qin Xuelong

Qin Xuelong laughed wildly and said, "Okay, you said it yourself, if that's the case, life and death, no one will care about your identity."

The 4 masters of the Qin family jumped out quickly, all of them holding long swords, and quickly killed Lu Qianji.

Just as Hua Yong wanted to make a move, Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Brother, you don't need to make a move, you can just watch here, I just want you to take a look at me and the master." Learn martial arts."

Hua Yong stopped in his tracks immediately, and said with a chuckle, "I also want to take a look. The master has just taught you martial arts. How far can you practice?"

Lu Qianji showed a slight smile, put on a very weird pose, and rushed towards the four masters quickly.

But the four masters felt differently from the others, but when he posed that strange pose, they instantly felt that it was not Lu Qianji in front of them, but a very flexible monkey.

Lu Qianji used Monkey Fist, so 10 points was as fast as a monkey, very nimbly dodged the attacks of the four of them, and then quickly grabbed the face of one of them, and instantly smashed the face of this person. A few claw marks were drawn.

I saw that the man who was injured by the point was very angry immediately, he swung his sword quickly and slashed towards Lu Qianji frantically, and he no longer had the sense of rhythm as before.

At this time, Lu Qianji had another new change. Suddenly, like a white crane, he stood on one leg and waved his hands quickly.

Two of the men were cut directly to the arms by his hand, and he screamed at the two men, and all the swords in their hands fell to the ground.

Hua Yong frowned slightly, showing a trace of excitement, "I really didn't expect that the master gave him the beast fist, but it really suits him. It's just a pity that he hasn't got it yet." Really practice to the highest level, otherwise, I am afraid that everyone present will be able to feel the changes he displays."

At this moment, the man whose face was scratched took advantage of Lu Qianji's back, and quickly stabbed him with the sword in his hand, but when the sword hit Lu Ji's back, there was a clanging sound .

Before the man came back to his senses in surprise, Lu Qianji pushed his back quickly, and flew the man out quickly.

Lu Qianji's back also quickly returned to normal. He used the turtle fist just now, so the back is like a tortoise's shell. It is 10 points hard, which is not something ordinary people can break.

So far, there is only one man left intact, but this man has taken a few steps back in fear at this time, because his three classmates have already encountered accidents. Although they did not die, they are all there. 10 points of pain, so now he is 10 points of fear and dare not approach.

He doesn't attack, but it doesn't mean that Lu Qianji doesn't attack. Lu Qianji jumped up quickly, his hands became claws, and he flew over like an eagle, grabbed his back immediately, and threw him to the ground. to the city lord's side.

Qin Xuelong took a deep breath and quickly blocked the man, but suddenly found that the man was dead, and his fatal injury was the claw on the back, which directly crushed his back back.

"Okay, good boy, although I don't know where you learned it, and you have come here with so many weird exercises, but do you think you can leave here with these? You must know that this is my city, and there is no way for you to get out of here." Leave here, even if many people die today, I will keep you here."

Lu Qianji smiled slightly and said, "Then you can try it and see how many people are willing to work for you, and if you die, I think they will all choose other people. With such a domineering person, no one is willing to let you be the city lord, because you are very selfish."

Qin Xuelong laughed wildly, and said with some disdain, "You really think highly of them. Do you think they will listen to you? Do you think they will read my orders instead? You still want to kill me, but you don't read them." See if you have this ability yourself, you must know that my current strength is beyond what you can imagine."

Hua Yong quickly jumped up, the spear in his hand was like a thunderbolt, and quickly stabbed at Qin Xuelong.

Qin Xuelong frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and quickly took out one of his weapons. The sword in his right eye quickly blocked his body, blocking Hua Yong's spear.

The two of them took a few steps back at the same time, but Qin Xuelong was fine, while Hua Yong took a few steps back, his blood churning a little.

Qin Xuelong smiled slightly and said, "You are really interesting. It really surprised me that you were able to make me take a few steps back. However, that's all there is to it. Can you really be my opponent? You are really too Look down on me, we don’t need any soldiers today, I killed you two with my own hands.”

Lu Qianji came to Hua Yong's side, and said worriedly, "It's okay, the two of us should be able to fight together."

Hua Yong nodded slightly, took a deep breath and said, "His current strength has reached the level of Wuling, and now he has undergone a qualitative change, so he must go all out."

Hua Yong quickly took out Fang Tian's painting halberd, and continued to attack Qin Xuelong directly and quickly.

Lu Qianji quickly unleashed his best dragon fist, rushing forward like a golden dragon.

Qin Xuelong frowned slightly, and immediately circulated the power of his whole body very seriously, and the sword in his hand was emitting a cold air as quickly as the environment, and he slashed forward in an instant.

I saw that the three of them collided directly and quickly, and all the people around were blown out by the aftermath caused by the three of them, and the surroundings were in a mess, until everything calmed down.

It was only then that everyone realized that the three people present had all fallen to the ground, and no one knew who among the three of them was alive and who was dead. No one dared to approach, only dared to watch slowly from a distance.

After a while, Hua Yong and Lu Qianji slowly stood up, but they didn't seem to be seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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