Chapter 1013 Rescue
Huang Xiaoer sighed slightly and said, "If there is such an opportunity, I will definitely brew new good wine for you to taste, but I am afraid that there is no hope in this life. There is absolutely no way I can recover my strength."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't be so pessimistic as a human being. Surprises can happen."

Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly, smiled wryly, and quickly served a lot of delicious wine and food again.

After Bai Yunfei and the others quickly finished eating these things, they sat aside and rested.

Hua Yong sighed slightly and said, "It's really delicious, and these wines are really delicious."

Lu Qianji rolled his eyes slightly, and said helplessly, "Of course, do you think I will deceive you? I said that there is delicious food, but master, do you help me?" He regained his strength."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, what I said will definitely mean what I said, and this wine is indeed 10 points good, you can call him over, I will help him recover his strength, and by the way, give him a good fortune .”

Lu Qianji quickly ran into the back kitchen, dragged Huang Xiaoer out, and sat in front of Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei looked at Huang Xiaoer in front of him with a slight smile and said, "Now is the time for me to fulfill my promise. I said that if I can save you, I will be able to save you, so you must have full confidence in me."

Bai Yunfei directly slapped Huang Xiaoer's head with one hand, and saw a mysterious energy transform his body quickly, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

At this time, there were bursts of noises outside, and some men came in quickly with weapons in their hands, looking at them, intending to come in and make trouble.

Haven't waited for Hua Yong to make a move yet.Lu Qianji had already made the first move, and he used the most domineering Tiger Fist when he made the move.

All those who came in were blasted out by his punch, and hit the ground heavily.

"But I don't win any guests here. If you dare to come in again, blame me for being rude to you."

The leading man stood up quickly, pointed at Lu Qianji with a weapon in his hand, and said coldly, "Who the hell are you? Why are you meddling in your own business? We are here to find our enemies, so hurry up Get out of the way, otherwise we will blame us for being rude to you, if we kill you, we can blame no one, so I advise you to get out of the way quickly, this is not a place where you can act like a baby."

Lu Qianji frowned slightly, and said coldly, "You people are really interesting. You are here to make trouble here, and you dare to threaten other people. I think you are the most damned people. Today I Putting the words here is to drive one step forward, and I will break his neck and throw him outside."

The leading man suddenly became very angry and said coldly to the subordinates beside him, "I want to see if you have such a thing. For the time being, you two will go to me, and I will see if he dares to kill him." You two."

Without any hesitation, the two subordinates moved forward quickly and walked towards the inn, but before the two of them approached, they suddenly felt that a very huge fist appeared in front of their two eyes , By the time the two of them reacted, they had already been sent flying.

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "I think what you can say now is that you have told you that you are really desperate, don't get close, but you just don't listen, it can only be your own fault. Look for someone who can’t blame anyone, if you really plan to come in later, you have to think about the consequences.”

But those people didn't have any intention of retreating at all, and they all rushed towards Ke Jian crazily. Although they already knew that, if the delay continued, Huang Xia would really restore the wetland, so the plan between them All will fail, so they are all crazy and charging.

This is Hua Yong, holding Fang Tianhua, and he came to them in an instant. The Fangtian painting halberd in his hand, like a meteor falling to the ground, quickly hit their eyes, and immediately threw all these people away.
"Junior brother, you have talked so much nonsense with these people, it is useless, you can just kill them all, bastards like them, only with life and blood can they feel Fear."

Lu Qianji frowned slightly, then sighed slightly, looked at those people, and said lightly, "You really made me very angry, tell me you told you to leave quickly and if you don't leave, I will give you here I'm sorry, if that's the case, then I'll send you all to hell, so it's okay."

Lu Qianji cast it directly and quickly, and the eagle claws instantly scratched the throats of all the troublemakers and threw them on the ground.

At this moment, many videos came here quickly, and the generals in them were very angry. Seeing that the ground was full of dead people made him even more annoyed.

"Don't you know the rules here? Dare to kill people in the street here, I think you are really reckless, don't you really take us seriously? Do you really think that you can do whatever you want if you know martial arts? You killed someone, I think you are really looking for death, whoever killed it will stand up for me!"

Lu Qianji sat aside, and said with a faint smile, "I killed them all just now, but I belonged to self-defense, and they belonged to burglary. Why can't this work?"

The general immediately took a few steps back, because he suddenly felt, as if a wild beast was staring at him, and immediately retracted the swear words from his mouth.

"It turned out that these guys broke into the house and robbed them. These guys are really too bold and reckless. They deserve to die. Don't worry, you will never let you take any responsibility. What do you guys think? Why don't you hurry up and get rid of these guys?" A dead body was pulled out to feed the dogs."

Looking at all the people who have left completely, Hua Yong frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Something is not quite right, it is too easy for them to leave like this, I am afraid it is definitely not that simple, we need to be careful If they are going to play tricks, we can take precautions in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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