Chapter 1016 Cultivation
Huang Xiaoer said to Bai Yunfei seriously, "Master, I want to know the real origin of this group of people, and I want to know who manipulated all of them in the end, because if we don't solve them, I'm afraid the whole city will be destroyed." The city will never find peace."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled slightly and said, "How do you know that I can tell you everything you want to know? This is a lot of things, even if I know it, but I And I can’t tell you, because if I’m going to tell you everything, it’s meaningless, and it’s really interesting for you to find it yourself. However, your current academic qualifications are still too weak, and you still need to continue to improve , only after you have made a new breakthrough again are you qualified to trouble them.”

Huang Xiaoer looked at his father and the whole city worriedly and said, "But master, after these people have received the news, they will definitely send stronger experts. I'm afraid, my father and the others have no way to do it." If you can resist, what should you do?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, they don't have any time to come here to make trouble, the remaining time is enough for you to solve these troubles, if you can't solve them, you can only rely on your own body."

Lu Qianji shook his head in confusion and said, "Master, what do you mean by that? How can you blame us for such a thing?"

Bai Yunfei showed a smile immediately, and said softly, "The three of you are senior brothers, so you three need to take care of things together, and Huang Xiaoer's affairs are also your two's affairs, so the three of you have to work together. Work together, increase your strength and destroy the powerful enemy."

Hua Yong said excitedly, "Does it mean that there are many masters who can let us fight with our hands and feet?"

On the other hand, Lu Qianji shook his head helplessly and said, "Xiaoer, you have to make up for us, your business has become our business now, if you don't compensate us, I will It must look good to you."

Huang Xiaoer suddenly smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, don't worry, I will definitely give you some good compensation, you wait until I have a chance, and I will create a better one for you two." The wine is here for you to drink to your heart's content."

Hua Yong touched his chin seriously, and said softly, "I think it's a very good idea to bring him, because the food along the way can be handed over to him, so that we can eat delicious food and drink every day." What a happy decision, fine wine."

Huang Xiaoer's face was sweating profusely, but it was hard to imagine how he would live in the future. Could it be that he could only live like a cook?It was such a sad day.

At this time, Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "This idea is really good. If you don't tell me, I really haven't noticed that we are indeed missing a cook, so the next job will be handed over to you. All right, do the logistics work well, it happens that you are also a martial art of the fire attribute, you can just use it for cooking, and you don't need to light a fire, it is really a very good opportunity to practice."

Huang Xiaoer suddenly nodded helplessly and said, "Is there really only this choice, Master, and no other choice?"

Lu Qianji smiled slightly and said, "Just obey obediently, you have nothing to change, just accept your fate obediently, we are all waiting here, you are cooking, don't let us Disappointed, if you let us down, then we will punish you well."

At this time, Bai Yunfei turned his head and said to Huang Yinglong who was beside him, "I have arranged a formation for you here. If you don't leave this city, you won't encounter any danger. I just said that It's just to give him some pressure, if there is no pressure, he will definitely not improve his strength so quickly."

Huang Yinglong nodded slightly at once, bowed to Bai Yunfei and said, "Thank you so much sir, I will ask you sir for this journey."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and took the three of them out of here, continuing to wander outside.

The few of them walked for a full month, and gradually they came to a very hot place.

After Hua Yong wiped off the sweat on his forehead, he said helplessly, "Where is this place, master? How can it be so hot? It's incredible that even our bodies can't stand it!"

Lu Qianji also said out of breath, "Yeah, what exactly is this place, Master? Why is it so hot? I can hardly breathe. Do we have to pass here? Otherwise, we never Let’s live in other places, if this continues, I’m afraid it will really kill people.”

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes slightly, and said helplessly, "Look at the two of you as senior brothers, you are not as good as others' juniors. They have never called out tiredness or bitterness here. Look at the two of you. It's a long-winded chatter here, how can you be a senior brother like this."

It was the two of them who realized that Huang Xiaoer didn't show any tiredness on his face, instead there was a faint smile on his face, obviously he was very comfortable staying here.

"How is this possible? Your body is a little weaker than ours. How can you stand the heat here? What's more, you don't have a trace of sweat on your body. Don't you feel any heat? "

Lu Qianji was very surprised, and quickly said to Huang Xiaoer.

Huang Xiaoer also said with surprise on his face, "I don't feel anything wrong here, and I also feel that I am 10% comfortable here, and even the strength in my body is slowly increasing, don't you guys feel it?" Do you feel that your own strength is growing?"

Hua Yong frowned slightly, felt his body carefully, and suddenly said in surprise, "Don't say that there is really some growth. Although the growth is a little slow, I can change strong."

Lu Qianji shook his head helplessly and said, "How is this possible? How can you all feel stronger, but I don't feel any stronger?"

(End of this chapter)

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