Chapter 1019 Fang Yuanming

Hua Yong stood up at this time, feeling his most powerful strength, and immediately said happily, "Did I really never think that these red fruits are so powerful? I can feel that I just punched lightly now. It is really too powerful to be able to kill all those damn red strange birds."

A fire appeared in Huang Xiao's second hand, dancing back and forth, and said with a soft smile, "Yes, brother, I can feel these flames of myself, and they become stronger. If this is the same level as mine If a person is set on fire by me, I am afraid that he will be directly burned to ashes."

Lu Qianji frowned slightly and thought about it, "If we continue like this, will we become stronger, but if we use other attributes, will it cause some impact?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "You don't have to worry so much, don't you think I won't pay attention to such things? Don't worry, you three little fellows will not have any problems no matter how you practice. Because all the martial arts I pass on to you can be integrated, so don't worry about it."

At this moment, a group of soldiers in red armor quickly came here, led by a young man.

Fang Yuanming smiled and said, "Can you tell me what happened here just now, why the volcano here erupted? And why was it suddenly frozen in ice, did something happen here? Is it frozen here?"

Lu Qianji chuckled and said, "That's because the volcano here suddenly erupted, and my master sealed this place with ice, there's nothing else to do."

Fang Yuanming frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "Really? Why did so many firebirds suddenly appear here just now, and some energy appeared here, did you not tell us the truth, this is our place?" We have the right to know everything that happens here in the fief."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "This is really interesting. How could this place become your territory? There is no owner here. If you didn't see that all the birds flew away, I'm afraid you wouldn't know it at all." Dare to come near here."

Fang Yuanming frowned slightly, glanced at Bai Yunfei and said in a cold tone, "Aren't you going to come out after seeing your things now? If you don't hand over what you got, then you really don't have any Any way to leave here, I have no way to protect you, so quickly hand over everything and I can make the decision to let you leave here safely."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "You guys are really generous, but how do you know that we have something? And how can you be sure that we can obey your orders here? Could it be that your strength gave you Is it such a big message?"

A soldier smiled slightly and said, "Our captain's strength has just recently broken through to become a martial arts powerhouse. Even some city lords around him may not be his opponents. Do you guys still want to question us? Is the captain's strength not enough?"

Huang Xiaoer shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "I thought your strength was so strong, but it turned out to be only at the martial spirit level, and you are so crazy, you are really interesting Alright."

Fang Yuanming frowned slightly and said coldly, "You are really hateful, you really can't speak, why do you think you can beat me? I will give you a way out with good intentions, you guys If you don’t need it, then don’t blame me, take them all back to me, and interrogate them properly.”

All the soldiers quickly took out their weapons and slowly walked towards Bai Yunfei and the others.

Hua Yong squeezed his fists, smiled faintly and said, "Leave these guys to me to deal with. It's been a long time since I fought a good battle, and now I can let them have a good taste of my fists. "

Huang Xiaoer smiled, and flicked his finger lightly, only to see that the soldiers who were about to attack suddenly burst into flames.

"Looking at it now, it seems that there is no need for it anymore. Their strength is too weak. They can't even hold my little finger. There is no need to fight them. You only need to wave your little finger lightly, and you will be able to fight." Destroy them, it's too weak."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, because I saw Huang Xiaoer just now, although he made a move, he also kept his tricks, but he burned all those people unconscious, and did not kill them, which is considered a very good move. .

Hua Yong snorted a little dissatisfied and said, "How can you do this? Didn't you just tell me to make a move? Why did you make a move? You are purely stealing my business, and you will make people hate you? "

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, smiled faintly and said, "That's because he was worried that you would kill them, so he made the move ahead of time. You didn't realize that they didn't die, but they were all burned out It's just in the past."

Fang Yuanming took a few steps back, watching all this happen coldly, he really doesn't understand now, how could someone be so powerful, even stronger than himself.

But just when he was about to escape, Hua Yong appeared directly behind him, and said coldly, "Aren't you very good just now? Why are you planning to escape now? People like you are really good enough Yes, do you really think you can escape? I think you'd better lie down here obediently, rest assured that you will never die."

Fang Yuanming waved his right hand directly and quickly, and suddenly a powerful energy burst out with his right hand, hitting Hua Yong continuously.

But what frightened him was that its attack didn't have any effect, Hua Yong just grabbed his fist lightly.

"Your fist definitely doesn't have any power. Do you think you can fight against us with your current strength? You are really pathetic. It is really a very sad thing for an ignorant person like you to survive until now. Lucky thing."

Hua Yong punched Fang Yuanming directly and quickly on the head, and immediately sent him flying.

Fang Yuanming fell to the ground quickly and fainted immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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