Chapter 1021 Beheading
Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Then you are wrong, if someone can achieve this level, then it will be really interesting. Fang Yuanming is just an accident, a test product. It’s just that this experimental product has some perfection, don’t worry, the two of them will stand in the end, we don’t know who will win, but you can watch the battle between the two of them, it’s a must for you Many opportunities."

At this time, Hua Yong was hit by Fang Yuanming's punch and took a step back, but he was not injured at all, instead his strength improved rapidly.

"You are really good. You can actually let me continuously improve my strength. You are really a qualified target. I really don't want to kill you."

Faced with Hua Yong's ridicule, Fang Yuanming had already lost his mind at this time, but became even more crazy.

Fang Yuanming rushed towards Hua Yong directly and quickly, his palm became very sharp, and quickly grabbed Hua Yong's heart like sharp claws.

Hua Yong dodged his grasp directly and quickly, gathered his right fist around his waist and punched out quickly.

Hearing a click, Fang Yuanming flew upside down, but then he stood up again unscathed.

Hua Yong frowned slightly, "I really didn't expect you to become the ghost you are now, and then even your resilience becomes so strong. This is better, and you can be a better target for me."

what! ! !
Fang Yuanming yelled directly, obviously he was in great pain, but the black gas on his body became stronger, and his strength was also growing rapidly.

Unknowingly, the strength of both of them has reached the peak of Wuxian level.

A black flame appeared in Fang Yuanming's hands, and he quickly threw it towards Hua Yong.

Hua Yong quickly used lightness kung fu to avoid these black flames.

Hua Yong quickly approached Fang Yuanming, only to see his fists hit Fang Yuanming's body with a powerful force.

Fang Yuanming flew upside down, gliding for a long distance before stopping, only to see that the surroundings had become ruins.

Hua Yong gasped slightly at this time, looked at Fang Yuanming who was motionless in the distance, and frowned slightly.

"Could it be that my strength was a little too strong just now, and I shouldn't have beaten him to death? I haven't used my full strength yet, so he shouldn't die. Could it be that he is cheating?"

Just when Hua Yong was having some troubles, Fang Yuanming stood up directly and quickly, only to see that at this time his eyes became dark without any brilliance, and his body also became 10% evil, a very terrifying A breath erupted from his body.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, took a step forward, stood in front of Hua Yong, and looked at Fang Yuanming who had changed at this time with a sneer.

"Old guy, do you think you can't see it unless you call me? You think you can control his body by hiding in his body. You really underestimate me."

But Fang Yuanming didn't answer Bai Yunfei's words, but slowly stretched out his right hand, only to see that his entire right hand was quickly burning with black flames.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said flatly to Hua Yong who was at the side, "Stay on the other side, and I'll deal with him."

In an instant, Bai Yunfei came in front of Fang Yuanming, and a sword quickly appeared in his hand, which directly pierced his heart.

But Fang Yuan obviously wanted to think too much, so he just let the sword pierce his heart.

I saw that black flame burning rapidly, spreading towards Bai Yunfei's body.

Bai Yunfei sneered, hehe, a flame also appeared on his body, quickly devouring that black flame, only to see Fang Yuanming screamed, and then turned into ashes.

Hua Yong came over at this time, and said with some confusion, "What's the matter with Master? He was my opponent just now, how could you steal my opponent?"

Bai Yunfei snorted coldly, and said lightly, "Who told you not to deal with it quickly? If it wasn't for my action just now, I'm afraid you would have been swallowed up by others and occupied your body."

Lu Qianji frowned slightly, and said, "Could it be that the person just now was subdued by Fang Yuanming and could improve his strength, so why did he enter her body?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "It's very simple, he gave up his body, and planned to use Fang Yuanming to erode Hua Yong's body so that he could use Hua Yong's body as his own."

Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly and said, "This is too unbelievable, how could she do such a thing, and besides, can a person's soul be swallowed so easily?"

Bai Yunfei nodded and said, "You can understand it this way, because if I devour your soul, it would be very simple. I just need to force your soul out, and I can completely devour your soul and strengthen mine." , and I can also control your body, under such circumstances, how many people do you think can defend themselves?"

Hua Yong frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "If there are such people, it would be really abominable. How could there be such abominable people? Don't they have any compassion? You need to know a person If his soul is destroyed, then he will be wiped out, and there will be no record of this person in the universe since then, this is really inhuman."

Bai Yunfei said with a little embarrassment, "Sometimes it is necessary to destroy a person's soul. After all, they want to die by themselves, so you can't help them."

Lu Qianji smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you have done a lot of things like this. How many souls have you destroyed?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled faintly and said, "As for how many people's souls I destroy, I really haven't calculated too much, because whoever calls them all come here to seek death, and generally my martial arts are also aimed at 10 souls. It is very useful, so under normal circumstances, I will not easily destroy a person's soul, of course, if the other party does not seek death."

Hua Yong frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Master, do you know my previous memories? I want to know why my previous memories are lost. I want to remember everything that happened to me before." .”

(End of this chapter)

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