Chapter 1025 City Lord Lu

The man in black quickly took out his weapon and attacked Lu Qianji.

Lu Qianji swung his fists directly and quickly, forming a very weird posture, and he directly unleashed the Ice Dragon Fist.

I saw a dragon exuding ice, quickly burst out from his fist, and flew towards the man in black frantically.

The man in black looked at each other and took a step back. He looked at the ice dragon exuding coldness with some differences, but he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he quickly swung his weapon to beat the ice dragon. However, when he just met this ice dragon, his face suddenly turned pale, and he saw that his body began to appear continuously, and the ice turned into a very huge ice dragon in a short time. Piece.

He looked at the man in black who had been completely frozen.Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said to his father with a faint smile, "Father, I haven't seen you for a few years now, you have become so old now, and even your strength has become so weak. "

City Lord Lu rolled his eyes slightly, and said helplessly, "You bastard has been out for so many years, and you don't know to come back to see me. If you didn't come back quickly today, I'm afraid you will never see me again Yes, but you are back now, don’t you plan to leave? When do you plan to take over as the city lord here?”

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "For the time being, I don't have such an idea. I still want to continue to practice with my master? My current strength is not too strong, and I still want to change." become stronger, so I won't stay here."

City Lord Lu sighed slightly and said, "Can't you let go of the current matter? Now that you have come back, can't you stay here with me? I have become so old now, and I have no How much energy can continue to manage this wall, why are you willing to see your city fall into chaos?"

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I have long forgotten what happened back then. Now I am just at the end of my pursuit of martial arts. I want to see how powerful I can become, so I can't agree. You have been staying here because I don't want to be like you, without any power to protect the entire city, I need to have the power to protect the entire city."

City Lord Lu smiled slightly and said, "I just wanted to see your determination, don't worry, son, even if you go out here, I will be able to hold on, although there may be some relatives coming in the middle , but I will definitely do my best to protect this city."

Bai Yunfei left at this moment, came over and said with a slight smile, "I am his master. If you want to protect this city, you really have some difficulties with your current strength. I can help you improve your strength." strength, but there is a side effect of being 10 points strong, that is, you will never have any chance to break through to a higher level of strength in this life, are you willing?"

Lu Qianji said anxiously, "Master, do you also want to transform my master into that kind of monster? Can you not? Is there no other way to improve my father's strength?"

"Don't worry, I'll take the shot. Do you think I will turn your father into a monster? It's just a side effect. The only thing is that I can't continue to improve my strength. It won't affect any other places, and I can even improve your father's strength." A lot of life."

Lu Qianji smiled slightly and said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, master, I'm just a little bit concerned and it's messy."

City Lord Lu chuckled and said, "If there is such a good thing, of course I would like it. At my current age, there is no possibility of improving my strength at all, so although I will improve my strength now, I won't improve it in the future. , that is not of much use, because as long as you can have the power to protect the city."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled lightly and quickly patted his palm on the body of City Lord Lu.

I saw a very powerful force entering his body, at this moment a ball of flame suddenly appeared in the sky, quickly fell into the body of City Lord Lu, as if his body was burning with flames, raging The flames forced everyone around to take several steps back.

As time passed, the flames did not shrink in any way, but became more and more lush. The fire could be said to be burning the entire city, but the strange thing is that the entire city He was not affected in any way, only the flames on the Lord Lu's body were still burning.

As time passed, the flames gradually extinguished. City Lord Lu opened his eyes and saw a gleam of fire in his eyes, but finally returned to their original state.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It finally succeeded, and the effect is really good. It's beyond my expectation that your strength has become a martial saint-level powerhouse. Now you should be able to protect you very well." It's a city."

City Lord Lu felt the violent power in his body, nodded slightly, and said with some joy, "This powerful force is really beyond my expectations, now I don't have to worry about anyone daring to come to me It’s messed up, I can finally give everyone a stable life, thank you sir, if it wasn’t for you, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the achievements I have now.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's all trivial things, but I have to remind you that the power I give you is just for you to protect here, not for you to occupy, so you just need to protect it well." You can build your own city, as for the others, you can’t take the initiative to attack.”

City Lord Lu nodded slightly, smiled softly and said, "I know what you mean, don't worry, sir, I will never take the initiative to launch an attack, I will only passively defend, if they really go too far If they are killed, I will teach them a lesson, but I will not kill them all."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "The reason why I asked you to do this is mainly because this world is not as simple as you imagined, and it's not that I alone have the strength to transform a person. Other people can do it too, but if you meet a very powerful person, then you will really be out of your wits, and I can't save you even if I try to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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