Chapter 1031 The Mysterious Forest

Bai Yunfei saw that everyone was a little silent and smiled and said, "Okay, you don't need to think about it anymore, you just need to know that you will have to rely on yourself to practice in the future, now I will take you to a new place to practice , this place allows you to comprehend the power of life."

Time goes by, it took them three months to come to a forest, but this forest is 10% weird, there are no creatures, only trees, but what is even more unusual, these trees feel like A big tree grows the same, because everything is exactly the same, without any deviation.

Lu Qianji looked around curiously and said, "Master, why don't you just let us practice here? The trees here are all 10 points infiltrated. If we continue to practice here, will they be punished by them?" eat it."

Hua Yong rolled his eyes slightly, and said helplessly, "Look at how promising you are, even some trees without any wisdom are afraid, so what else can you do? They are all trees and just burn them with fire." Is it okay?"

Huang Xiaoer shook his head slightly and said, "It's definitely not that simple. If a fire can burn it, it is definitely not called cultivation. I always feel that these trees give me a feeling that I am not afraid of water or fire. , as if not afraid of anything."

Lu Qianji frowned slightly and said, "Probably not, ordinary trees are afraid of fire, if they are not afraid of fire, then what are they afraid of?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "What is he afraid of? That is your own business. You can find out what he is afraid of yourself, and your training this time is to stay alive and leave this forest. I am at the end of the forest." Waiting for you."

Shen Hongchun frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "Then should I go with you too? Or train with them here?"

Bai Yunfei waved his hand casually, and a white light entered Shen Hongchun's mind, and said with a faint smile, "Of course you acted together with them, because this is also a test for you."

Shen Hongchun said helplessly, "It seems that you are planning to let me be their nanny."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I said that this is also a test for you, and it's not about finding a nanny for them, because when the real danger comes, maybe they will save you."

Before they continued to ask Bai Yunfei, he disappeared here.

Hua Yong looked at the surrounding trees, frowned slightly and said, "It's not quite right. Why does it feel like the surrounding trees are alive? Is it my illusion? Let's leave here now, we must find the master immediately, otherwise If not, I am afraid that some unnecessary things will really happen.”

However, at this moment, the surrounding trees seemed to be alive, and their branches quickly attacked the four of them.

When Huang Xiaoer raised his hand, it was a sea of ​​bitterness, which immediately burned all the surrounding trees.

But the crowd didn't have any application for relaxation, but became more serious, because the surrounding trees were burning, but after a while, the flames went out, and the surrounding trees were only slightly charred, but they did not die.

The four of them managed to escape here quickly while driving directly, but the surrounding branches kept attacking them, and even some leaves flew towards their vitals aggressively.

Shen Hongchun still couldn't help but directly and quickly shot, a thunder burst out from his hand in an instant, splitting several surrounding trees into pieces.

"This is too unbelievable. I shot with all my strength to achieve such an effect. I simply have no way to believe it." Shen Hongchun said in surprise.

Hua Yong knocked one of the trees flying with a quick punch, and said out of breath, "There is something wrong with these numbers. They seem to be able to absorb the energy in your heart and body. I just came into contact with him." After a while, I felt that my strength was much weaker."

Guang Xiaoer shook his head slightly, and said a little at a loss, "What should we do? If this continues, we will really die here. Master will never come to save us? We can only rely on ourselves, but How can I get out of here? What are these damn trees?"

Lu Qianji said thoughtfully, "Have you forgotten the attributes we comprehended before? If you call them, I should be able to infer by now that we should be able to comprehend some rules of wood attributes. We can only leave here if we understand."

Hua Yong nodded slightly and said, "But it is very difficult to comprehend. Now we are very tired from dealing with the attack. How can we comprehend again."

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know how to implement it, but I believe that as long as I find a suitable method, it will be successful."

The few people directly resisted while comprehending, as time passed slowly, they had slowly reached the middle of the woods, with half of the distance left, they could already reach the place where Bai Yunfei was.

Bai Yunfei looked at it from a distance and nodded slightly, but he knew that the real test had just begun, the most terrifying existence was in the middle, it wasn't what they thought before, the middle was where its body was , if you can't leave, you can only die.

However, the four of them have all comprehended at this time, and they should all be able to truly comprehend with a little stimulation, so now they are also 4 points bold.

I saw that all the surrounding trees began to go crazy, and slowly all the roots broke through the ground, rolling towards the four people.

Hua Yong roared directly and quickly, and quickly swung his fists with flaming fists to hit these trees, causing them all to fly out, and he directly grabbed one of the big trees , The wheel began to rotate continuously.

After hearing a bang, all the surrounding trees were destroyed by him, and none of the trees could stand intact.

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said, "Brother is still as violent as before, but if it falls into his hands, no matter what kind of force it is, as long as his iron fist can definitely solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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