Chapter 1033 Pass the Test
Lu Qianji frowned slightly, and waved his hands quickly, only to see an ice dragon burst out from his hands, freezing all the swords in the sky.

But this kind of attack didn't have any effect at all, and more swords flew out quickly behind them, constantly attacking the four of them.

Shen Hongchun frowned slightly and quickly unleashed the most powerful attack, only to see countless thunderclaps towards the sky.

But it is a pity that although some swords were destroyed, the swords behind continued to attack them, and these swords seemed endless, no matter how much they were destroyed, they could still continue to be born.

Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly, and directly dispersed the earthen wall, waving his hands quickly, and saw countless trees breaking through the earth.

I saw that these trees quickly covered them all inside, while the swords in the sky kept attacking the surrounding trees, but they rarely caused them any more damage.

"It turns out that they only attack living things, and these trees are all living, so they are all affected."

Lu Qianji quickly used the rose boxing technique, and saw blooming roses around him, but the thorns under these blooming roses were all 10 points sharp.

Shen Hongchun frowned slightly and smiled lightly, directly and quickly integrated many lightning bolts into the trees, and threw them into the air.

Hua Yong looked around very vigilantly, but he quickly wiped out any fish that slipped through the net, so that no one suffered any harm.

Shen Hongchun frowned slightly and said, "Although we are now in a good state of 10 points, but the current state is not very good because the longer the time is, the disadvantage will be to us. We must now find a way to destroy this formation." Law."

Hua Yong frowned slightly and said, "But we don't know at all, where is the center of the formation? If we don't even find the center of the formation, we have no way to break these formations, even if we want to Breaking it with brute force won't do anything at all."

Lu Qianji said with some seriousness, "I feel that this formation is definitely not that simple, and even if we really find the place where the formation base is, we may not be able to destroy it, and I have a kind of Intuitively, the most fundamental part of this formation should be in those swords, as long as you find one of the swords, you should be able to destroy this formation."

Shen Hongchun nodded slightly and said, "It's reasonable, maybe it's really like what you said, the key locations of the formations are in those stores, but how do we find them, how do we determine which sword it is? ?”

Huang Xiaoer nodded slightly and said, "Yes, there is no way to really determine where this formation is."

Lu Qianji frowned slightly. The careful observer suddenly smiled and said, "Although we don't know where he is, we can force him out."

"What can you do? Don't be fooled anymore, tell me quickly, when is the time you dare to play this trick, do you owe it to me?" Hua Yong said impatiently and quickly.

Lu Qianji said with a chuckle, "As long as a large-scale attack is made, it will definitely be forced out."

Huang Xiaoer nodded slightly, and said softly, "So that's the case, then look at me, and see how I force him out."

Huang Xiaoer waved it quickly, and saw a lot of water with his hands, which slowly flowed out from the ground and then spun around him. After that, all the water quickly flew to the sky as if it had spirituality.

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said with a sigh, "I really envy his talent. For Wuxing, his speed is really no one can match."

Hua Yong shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "In fact, this is also a natural market method. Everyone has some differences. Take you as an example, you have integrated them all into your martial arts, so It’s true that it’s different from him when you say it, but your unilateral attack is stronger than his.”

Shen Hongchun smiled slightly and said, "Stop flattering each other here, and hurry up to find out which one is the target we are looking for."

Facing those water drops, they continuously attacked those swords in the sky, but when all the water drops were pierced by those swords, there was no difference.

Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly and said, "It seems that we are going to be disappointed, there is nothing different at all, there is no way to find this one, and those swords in the sky are constantly attacking, so I think they all Yes, how can we really find the most critical sword?"

Lu Qianji showed a smile and pointed, and said to the sword above, "Then you are wrong, because I have already discovered its existence. Look at the very ordinary iron sword above. , he is the most important thing, because you were destroyed by many swords before your attack just now, so I noticed it, and only it has not launched an attack, just wandering back and forth on it. "

Shen Hongchun frowned slightly and quickly pulled up a big tree, then fused the lightning into him, and quickly threw the iron sword towards him.

But when the big tree just reached mid-air, it was pierced by countless swords and smashed to pieces.

But at this moment, the power of thunder and lightning exploded quickly, and instantly hit the iron sword.

The iron sword snapped instantly and broke into two pieces. All the surrounding keys stopped attacking and fell down one after another, landing on the ground.

The surrounding scene began to change continuously.Bai Yunfei appeared in front of them.

"You have done a good job, you have succeeded now, let's go, I will take you to other places to have a good rest now."

Hua Yong punched Bai Yunfei directly and quickly, and Bai Yunfei flew upside down immediately, turning into a cloud of smoke, and the surrounding scene began to tremble.

When everything was back to normal, Lu Qianji breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's really dangerous, I almost fell for it, fortunately, brother, you saw it, otherwise we would have really suffered."

(End of this chapter)

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