Chapter 1037 Sharp Ax
Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled lightly and said, "That's right, only being strong is the real strongest. If you only rely on these external things, there is no way to truly improve your own strength. "

Hua Yong nodded slightly and said, "Master is right. I think I should rely on myself. I believe in my own fists so I won't believe in those foreign things. Those things are of no use to me at all. And only one's own fist can crush all conspiracies and schemes."

Lu Qianji chuckled and said, "Although that's the case, we should find some pretty good things. Should we just give up like this? Isn't that too wasteful?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "I just told you not to rely too much on it, and I didn't tell you not to use it, so it's a pity to put these things here, so you should bring them all. let's go."

After everyone quickly took away all the weapons, they left here and returned to the inn.

But when they returned to the inn, troubles followed, because they were able to come back alive and had already attracted the attention of many people.

Early in the morning of the second day, they had just got up to have some breakfast, and they were about to leave the inn but they were blocked by people.

"I called Li Ax and they said that the more you came back alive last night, you must have got a lot of good things. Now you hand it over yourself, and I can guarantee your safety in this city."

Hua Yong smiled and said, "Big guy, I advise you to leave here quickly. Don't you find it very strange that we can come back alive? Don't you think we came back alive by luck? Although not I know who sent you here, but you were deceived by him, if you don't want to die, you should leave quickly, otherwise my fist will not recognize anyone."

The sharp ax was very angry immediately, and quickly swiped towards Hua Yong with his big axe.

Hua Yong frowned slightly, stepped forward and punched him in the chest, sending him flying.

"You dare to show off your power here with your little ability. I really don't know what you think. You are so big, but you are so useless. It seems that the other party is also. Seeing your unbearable side, that's why you let me go. You came to test us, and I really feel sad for you, because you have gone through life and death for others, and the benefits in the end are all for others."

Enduring the pain in his body, Li Ax stood up slowly, and said coldly, "Damn it, I won't allow you to humiliate me so casually!!"

Li Axe's eyes instantly turned red, and the energy on his body exploded rapidly, many times stronger than what he saw.

"I want you to die!"

The sharp ax quickly launched another attack towards Hua Yong, and his attack speed at this time was also 10 points faster than before, and his strength was stronger than before. Yong really will be split in half by him.

Hua Yong was not in any hurry, instead he stretched out his right fist lightly, and quickly hammered towards the sharp ax again.

Hearing a bang, the sharp ax flew upside down, and he was clutching his heart in pain on the big floor, very uncomfortable, because Hua Yong punched his heart just now, and his heart is already swollen. Like to stop beating.

Hua Yong shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Although your attack is indeed stronger than before, your speed is very weak, and you have lost a lot of sanity, so you just fight on instinct. Do you think you can defeat me like this? You really underestimate me, I advise you to go back and practice hard for a few hundred years."

Li Ax was so painful that he couldn't say anything at all, he could only stare at Hua Yong with his red eyes.

Lu Qianji frowned slightly and said, "Brother, I think you should kill him directly, otherwise he will come to trouble you. You can see that there is no intention of giving in in her eyes at all, instead I still want to continue to trouble you, I think I just kill him so that he won't trouble you again."

Li Ax struggled to stand up, snorted, and left here quickly.

Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Why didn't you let me keep him just now? I can completely kill him silently, so that no one will suspect us. Why do you two Why would anyone stop me?"

Lu Qianji laughed and said, "The reason why I asked you to scare him like this just now is to make him hate us more. If you really kill him, then his relatives and friends will be killed." If all of our friends will come to trouble us, then these people are the real trouble, but now he should be troublesome to those people, we can go and see, there should be a very good show to watch. "

Hua Yong shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "No, he will never be so reckless. Although he started to be reckless, he will definitely not go to trouble them right now. He waits until the injury on his body , He will trouble them after he is done, so let's go to the arena to have a look first, then you should be the most lively place right now."

Bai Yunfei and Shen Hongchun walked out slowly from the inn at this time, they both had already seen what happened just now, but they just wanted to see how the three little guys were dealt with.

Shen Hongchun smiled slightly and said, "The way the two of them dealt with it is really good, but Huang Xiaoer's way of handling things is indeed a bit extreme, and it is easy for him to cause some unnecessary troubles like this."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "But I am more optimistic about Huang Xia, because since the other party has come to trouble you, why bother to let the tiger go back to the mountain and kill it directly, it is the best. If there are still people If they come here to cause trouble, then continue to kill until they dare not come, then they will calm down."

Shen Hongchun shook his head slightly, and said with some puzzlement, "If this is the case, wouldn't there be many people who would lose their lives because of such a thing? Wouldn't it be too unfair to them? It’s not that they provoked it, it’s just that they stood up for their friends, but they died here.”

(End of this chapter)

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