Chapter 1043 Li Tianba

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Although the two of them are indeed 10 points strong, and their cooperation and talent are both 10 points strong, but they also have a very big weakness, that is When one is hurt, the other feels the same, so this is their greatest weakness, and I can kill them both by exploiting their weakness."

Hua Yong nodded slightly, smiled faintly and said, "Okay, let's hurry up and meet up with Sister Shen and Huang Xiaoer. There is no need to worry about Sister Shen, but can Huang Xiaoer handle it?" Come on, the next battle is really hard to say."

The two of them walked quickly, but they didn't go far, and they encountered a new enemy again. I saw this enemy was 10 points weird, holding a large shield, and rushed towards the two of them.

I saw the two of them quickly attacking Shixian and avoiding the impact of this person. After seeing this person clearly, they all showed a slight difference, because the person in front of them was actually very thin and small, exactly what they had imagined before. Different.

Lu Qianji frowned slightly and said, "This guy should be born with supernatural power, otherwise how could he push this 10-point huge shield?"

Hua Yong chuckled and said, "I just didn't expect such a small body to contain such a huge amount of energy. It's really hard to see. Although our current strength is not very important, but such a powerful strength like him It is really rare to see that his strength may have surpassed mine, which is really rare."

Seeing that the man found that his attack had no effect, he slapped the shield angrily, but this was a very embarrassing thing that happened.

There was a cracking sound from the shield in the young man's hand, and the shield in the hands of several people was shattered by his light pat.

The boy was also slightly stunned for a moment, then suddenly became a little angry, and threw the shield in his hand towards the two of them.

Hua Yong chuckled, and immediately activated his skills quickly, only to see that his hands became very huge, blocking his body and causing the shield to completely block it.

Lu Qianji was direct and fast. After jumping up, like a white crane, he quickly grabbed the boy's eyes with both hands.

The young man stomped the ground vigorously, and after a lot of dust appeared on the ground, a hammer turned from soil appeared in the young man's hand, and quickly smashed towards Lu Qianji.

Lu Qianji flew out directly and quickly, but he didn't suffer any damage, but there were already a lot of dirt on his body, which was obviously done by the boy just now.

Hua Yong chuckled, took a step forward, and said softly to the boy, "You are really amazing, why haven't I heard of your name before? But let's have a good fight, I really want to compete with you, although your strength is indeed stronger than mine, but I should be almost the same as you with my energy."

The young man shook his head slightly, and said coldly, "My strength, Li Tianba, is almost unmatched by anyone. Even if you have any special means, you will definitely not be able to match my strength, but it is very powerful." It's a pity that I didn't bring my weapon today, if I could bring my weapon, I would definitely be able to beat you to death."

Hua Yong said curiously, "Then why didn't you bring your weapon? This is a martial arts competition, everyone brought their own weapons, why didn't you bring your own?"

The young man said with some embarrassment, "Before the martial arts competition, I was too excited to play. I threw the weapon out and still haven't come back. I don't know where it flew to. I have to find him after the martial arts competition is over." Woolen cloth."

Hua Yong shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "You are so powerful that you can throw all your weapons out. Don't you have any special weapons? I can also give you some weapons. The two of us How about a personal contest?"

Li Tianba nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "I'm afraid none of your weapons are suitable for me."

Hua Yong smiled slightly and said, "Since there is no boundary, let's just fight with each other."

I saw that the two of them quickly attacked each other at the same time, and suddenly you came and went, attacking each other quickly.

Lu Qianji suddenly stood aside helplessly, watching the two of them fighting, especially seeing that the two of them didn't have any moves, and they were only attacking in close combat, and they felt even more helpless.

"I really didn't expect that there are still people here who can draw with him. I'm afraid such people are really rare, especially in physical combat like this. It's really rare to see the two of them fighting. " Huang Xiaoer walked over from a distance at this moment, and said in surprise.

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "I didn't expect their strength to be so strong, and they have reached this level. I'm afraid no one can separate them. There are only two of them." Talent can stop on their own, but this battle is really exciting, but I don't know when the two of them can reach it?"

Shen Hongchun also quickly came here at this time because he was attracted by the sound of fighting here just now, but was surprised to find that it was Hua Yong who was fighting with another unknown person, and he immediately got 10 points curious.

Lu Qianji and the others also found out at this time, and Shen Hongchun suddenly said happily, "Sister Shen really didn't expect that you were not eliminated, it's really great, now the four of us finally got together again, I'm afraid this time We're really going to be number one."

Shen Hongchun nodded slightly, and said softly, "That's right, we really should be able to get the first place, but what's the situation over there now? We were able to fight with Xiaoyong, and we were able to win evenly Negative, which is very rare."

Lu Qianji nodded and said, "His name is Li Tianba, he is a very interesting kid, and his strength is really 10 points, and his fighting consciousness is also 10 points, so this is why he can fight with his senior brother." like this."

(End of this chapter)

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