Chapter 1051 Killed by Lightning
Bai Yunfei directly and quickly swung the knife in his hand, and cut off the white tiger that jumped over in an instant. The white tiger also turned into a ray of light and entered his body.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and left here quickly, because he must continue to search for food, weapons and martial arts, because these supplies are really very scarce for him now, and the people now It is getting less and less, and after everyone is dead this time, I am afraid that he will need to rest for a week before he can turn it on again, so he must kill more people now, only in this way can he quickly improve his strength.

As time passed, Bai Yunfei quickly came to a small town. According to his speculation, this small town should still be the center of the safe zone, and would not be temporarily attacked by others, so he stayed here. Search quickly in the small town.

At the same time, 4 people came here directly and quickly, but they were much more embarrassed than Bai Yunfei. However, the 4 of them did not attack each other, but formed a team to search quickly. Obviously, the 4 of them had already planned to Take a good rest here.

Just after the four people searched a house, they sat together a little tired.

At this time, Bai Yunfei had already found the traces of these four people in a very far away place, and he cautiously moved towards the location of the four people.

But when he slowly approached these 4 people, he found that these 4 people were still eating happily there, and didn't pay attention to his arrival, so Bai Yunfei directly and quickly took out the Thunderbolt and threw it in quickly.

I saw that the four people inside were still eating in a very blind circle. When the thunderbolt fell in, they didn't dodge, but still looked at the black ball with some curiosity.

The thunderbolt exploded instantly, and the flames instantly engulfed all four of them, completely killing them all.

Bai Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief, and directly and quickly searched all the supplies of the four of them, then quickly left here, and found a relatively quiet place to rest.

Chen Weimin miraculously came to the town where Bai Yunfei was located, but he was not as vigilant as Bai Yunfei, but he was laughing like those before him, searching the house and walking slowly.

But at this moment, suddenly a player quickly appeared behind Chen Weimin, hit him with a stick, and knocked him to the ground.

Chen Weimin reacted directly and quickly, rolled from the ground one more than the next stick, took out his weapon, looked at the man carefully and said, "Who are you, how did you sneak up on me, I shouldn't offend you, we are here to disagree with each other." Isn't it good to invade? Let's improve our strength together, so we can protect everyone well?"

The person snorted unremittingly slightly and said, "You are so naive. Do you think that this world is for you to protect everyone? Only when you are strong can you do it. No one else can change this state, so just be obedient. Please help me, I see that your body has been strengthened many times and I will kill you and absorb your strengthened part, I will definitely become stronger."

Chen Weimin's face was a little embarrassed for a moment, he didn't expect that there would be someone like this, he directly and quickly waved the weapon in his hand like a fierce tiger and rushed at that person, although that person tore him into pieces with unbelievable eyes. smashed.

Bai Yunfei heard the movement at this time, walked out, saw this situation, smiled slightly, and said, "It seems that you really have changed a lot, but look at your embarrassing body. It looks like you should be passively injured. This is not a very fun thing. If you are not good next time, you will be killed in seconds, then you can leave here directly, and you will lose 10% of your strength. This is not a small loss."

Chen Weimin shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "Brother Bai, I still have the previous point of view. I only delete those who should be killed. As for those who should not be killed, I will never touch them. If they are wrong to me If I do, I will definitely not kill them."

"It's really rare to see people who insist like you. I hope you can prove that you are right."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and directly returned to the place where he rested before, and continued to rest.

Chen Weimin also quickly followed behind him and took a rest.

At this time, the sky suddenly turned dark, and thick dark clouds began to appear outside. Obviously, there will be a very huge rainstorm later.

"At this time, I didn't expect that it would rain in this mysterious world. I thought it would always be sunny, but this time it rains, no one will be outside. If those terrifying monsters appear again, what should they do?" What should we do? Are we going to escape in this downpour?" Chen Weimin said with some sighs.

Bai Yunfei smiled from the side and said, "It's just raining, what's the big deal, if you're outside now, I'm afraid you'll be struck to death by lightning."

Chen Weimin said in disbelief, "This is impossible. Can Reddy kill people here? As long as he stays in the house or finds a hidden place, I don't believe he can kill people."

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps passed through the center of the town, and it was obvious that someone was running wildly.

Dai Yunfei and the others looked over with extreme curiosity, and saw that the man obviously wanted to find a house to shelter from the rain, but when his hand just touched the door, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and the man fell directly on the ground. He fell to the ground and died, and when he died, he turned into a white light and instantly entered Chen Weimin's body, because he was relatively close.

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "You should have seen it by now, you will really be hacked to death outside, and even in other environments, people are prone to accidental death, so sometimes Being careful is a very good habit."

Chen Weimin suddenly shook his head helplessly, and sighed softly, "Everyone is already 10 points difficult, and with this damn environmental problem, I'm afraid not many people can really persevere until the end."

(End of this chapter)

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