Chapter 1069 Killing the Enemy Alone

As time passed, there were more and more monsters around, and even some wild beasts began to gather together. Bai Yunfei and the others quickly left the luxurious manor where they were, and came outside quickly. But at this time they were most surprised to find that the outside was not what they had imagined. There was no one staying in the central position outside at this time, and his position was full of all kinds of people, and they all There, he kept fighting the monsters next to him.

Su Liangjun frowned slightly and said, "What should we do? Should we sneak attack those guys, or deal with those monsters first?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said slowly, "We can't do anything now, because if we are not careful, we will provoke public anger, let's take a look here, and see how to deal with these things in front of us. "

Chen Weimin nodded and said, "That's right, we must be fully prepared, and we can't act rashly. Anyway, we can be said to be very safe now, so we shouldn't continue like this. Just wait here slowly."

Jiao Yang frowned slightly, pointed to the front and said, "You didn't look at the front, there seems to be something wrong, those people in front seem to be fighting monsters, but how I look at them, they seem to be moving the monster to the center." Citation?"

Bai Yunfei carefully checked the location of the center, and suddenly found a very hidden facility, and said with a sneer, "So, they have set up traps there, and anyone who dares to step up and attack them will be caught." Award, and this trap is also prepared for these monsters, it is really vicious, it is really ruthless to be able to set up such a trap there."

Jiao Yang frowned slightly and said, "They are indeed 10 points insidious enough, but why did the other people let them set up traps there, or do they all have achieved the goal of cooperation and deal with us together?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "Don't worry for now, just keep watching. Those people haven't found any trace of us until now, so don't worry so much, just watch slowly. OK."

I saw those people directly and quickly, and those monsters led to the center, and all those strange weapons fell into the traps. I saw those people standing on the traps with some pride, and they were very satisfied with their traps.

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "You probably checked how many people are left?"

Jiao Yang frowned and said, "Up to now, I have only found more than 30 people, but they are not really united together, but all of them are looking at each other vigilantly, but I don't know why none of them Attack."

Su Liangjun frowned slightly and said, "That's really strange. I only found 10 people here, but the relationship between them is as good as 10 points."

Chen Weimin frowned slightly and said, "I only saw three people here, and they should be in a group, but it's really strange why I didn't find my brother?"

Jiao Yang smiled faintly and said, "I'm afraid he has been killed by now, otherwise he should have appeared here a long time ago. If he is not seen now, it means that he has been killed now."

Bai Yunfei coughed slightly and said, "Now is not the time to talk about these things. What everyone should pay attention to now is that they can only survive under the attack of these 50 people. Obviously they should already know our strength, so It should be all united to deal with us."

Su Liangjun slightly prepared to be puzzled and said, "Brother Bai, why are you so sure that these people are going to deal with us? And who disclosed our news and knew that we are stronger than all of them?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "Although I really don't know who leaked our news, even if he leaked all our news, so what? Some planning should kill them all."

Jiao Yang looked at Chen Weimin with some doubts and said, "You said that these people must be your brother, let them out, I am afraid that only he knows some things about us, as for other people, they probably don't."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Actually, what I'm more curious about is how these people got in touch with each other, and they didn't fight each other when they met, but it's really okay to maintain this embarrassing situation like this. "

Chen Weimin thought for a while and said, "I think some of them contacted other people on purpose, but what kind of method they used to get in touch is doubtful, but I think if they add If there is a mess, they should be able to fight themselves."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "I also thought so, but how to implement it accurately, so you two think about it, or should I tease their relationship by myself?"

Jiao Yang was a little puzzled and said, "What do you mean by that? What are you planning to do? Or are you planning to let the two of us be bait?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "You don't have to worry about this matter, you three can just hide it well. Then it's time for my own performance."

Bai Yunfei took out his bow and arrow, jumped out quickly, aimed at a man in the center and launched an attack, and shot the man to death instantly.

The death of this man immediately caused all the surrounding crowd to quickly look towards Bai Yunfei, but when they found that Bai Yunfei was alone and there was no one else around, they all felt a little confused, because None of them thought that there was only one person, instead of the imagined 4 people.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly performed lightness kung fu, dodging the attacks of the people behind him, and continued to attack the other people with the bow and arrow in his hand.

But all the people who were hit by his bow and arrow died, and the rest of the people panicked. None of them wanted to be the soul of Bai Yunfei's arrow anymore, and in order to improve their own strength, they directly confronted Bai Yunfei. The person next to him, who was an ally before, launched an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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