Chapter 1079 Tianyan City

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Now the third time should be coming soon, so you should seize the opportunity, well, I need to go back to rest, you should also rest earlier."

Chen Luofeng nodded slightly and said, "I see, I will definitely give it a third chance, and I won't disturb your rest, I finally made a perfect work, I also need to do it well, and then After looking at it, I also went to rest."

On the second day, after everyone woke up and had breakfast, Chen Weimin smiled slightly and said to Chen Luofeng, "Third Uncle, we are leaving here today, do you want to go out with us for a while?"

Chen Luofeng shook her head slightly, "I won't go out with you, I still need to prepare for the third opening, my current strength is indeed too weak, and following you will only be a drag on you, You can go by yourself, and not everyone here can come in casually."

After everyone had breakfast, they bid farewell to Chen Luofeng and left Luofenglin directly.

After walking for a while, they came to a city called Tianyan City.

When they walked into the city, they found that all the people inside were still doing their own business, and there was no sign of any fighting. Obviously, this place is truly peaceful.

A soldier did block their way and said with a slight smile, "You are foreigners, you need to go to the front to register before you can move freely."

Chen Weimin frowned slightly, and said curiously, "How can there be such a rule here, why haven't I heard of such a rule before?"

The soldier smiled slightly and said, "But because of the latest order, because this can count all the people, you don't have to worry about someone making trouble here. You also know that everyone has some strength now, so you are afraid of them." Then I got power beyond my own and lost myself, so I must strictly manage it.”

Chen Weimin nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "This is really a good idea, but don't you worry that someone who hides his identity will hide his strength?"

The soldier shook his head slightly, smiled softly and said, "We don't ask about a person's strength at all, we just need to know that you can't use force at will in the city, as long as you are in the group no matter what the reason, As long as you use force, you will be cleared and leave the city."

Bai Yunfei shook his head in confusion and said, "Isn't this a bit too arbitrary? If it is forced to use it, will it be cleared and leave the city?"

The soldier shook his head slightly and said, "If they were forced, of course they wouldn't be cleared out, so we all have a strict interrogation, and they will be cleared out of the city after a strict investigation of the situation."

Su Liangjun nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "So it looks like this, I really didn't expect that your city lord is really powerful enough to come up with such a method."

The soldier shook his head slightly and said, "It's not what we successfully thought of, but His Majesty thought of it. Now all the cities have received his order, so we can execute it quickly."

Chen Weimin was slightly stunned for a moment, then he said with a smile, "This brat really has a way, it's really good to be able to come up with such an idea, it can be completely stabilized in this way, as long as the execution is strong , then I think the whole world will be completely stable, and there will be no more wars."

Jiao Yang frowned and said, "But I don't think there is such a simple thing. Even if it is really conceivable, those who were expelled from the city will definitely take revenge on the whole world. Wouldn't this encourage them even more?" Hate?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Do you think it's possible for his character not to have thought of such a thing? I'm afraid he now feels that there is a next step, but he just didn't say it. I'm thinking he will send someone to monitor those people." Those who have been cleared out of the city, as long as any of them have the intention of hatred, they will be killed without mercy."

Jiao Yang nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "If it was someone else, I really can't guarantee it, but I believe he will definitely do it, and only he can really achieve that position. "

The soldier smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, I'll take you there to register. After registration, you can move freely in Chengdu, shop freely and rest freely. No one will stop you."

After Bai Yunfei and the others finished registering, they left here directly, and quickly wandered around the city.

Su Liangjun was a little puzzled and said to Bai Yunfei, "Why are we shopping here first, why don't we find some places to rest first?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "If you want to go to rest, there are many places where you can go to rest. There is no need to be so anxious at all. I will buy some things here first. You know, every time I go to a group, I always go to buy it first." Take a look at their specialties here, and they will also be covered with some food and water. These are all necessary things. If you don’t make enough preparations, you may lose your preparations due to some special unexpected situations. Opportunities, I am afraid that we will face some unnecessary existential crises.”

Su Liangjun shook his head slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "It's not a time of war, there's no need to prepare these materials, and these things will take up some space and cause some trouble for myself, why bother?" ?”

Bai Yunfei chuckled, put them all away casually, and said lightly, "I am different from you, and when your strength is high, you can also open up a space of your own, so this is simply It's not a hassle, it's a necessity."

Chen Weimin shook his head slightly, and said with a sigh, "I don't know when we will be able to put away all these things so easily like you. I really look forward to it. It's almost like The legendary heaven and earth means of the gods."

Bai Yunfei laughed haha ​​and said, "You're right. In fact, after our dancers become strong, many methods are like the legendary gods. Turning hands into clouds and hands into rain are all achievable. In fact, the so-called immortal is nothing more than a person becoming stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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