Chapter 1082
Ma Xiaoliu said worriedly, "The most important thing now is that if he knows that he didn't kill Sister Hu, he will definitely come again. I'm afraid he won't be able to escape so easily next time."

Shopkeeper Hu sighed slightly and said, "If they really intend to kill me, then they can come anyway. I really want to know why they want to kill me."

After Bai Yunfei thought about it for a while, he said lightly, "Think carefully about what you have done recently. Maybe you did something unintentionally, which is why you brought yourself this innocent disaster."

After thinking about it for a while, shopkeeper Hu still didn't think of anything, and said helplessly, "I really don't know, because I haven't thought of anything useful after thinking about it for a long time, and I have been thinking about it these days. How strange that it is impossible to be an enemy at all without leaving the inn."

Jiaoyang smiled faintly and said, "I think we can just sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit. I believe this guy will definitely come again. As long as we catch him, he will know everything about this matter."

Ma Xiaoliu said worriedly, "Will this be too dangerous? What if he succeeds, what should I do?"

Shopkeeper Hu smiled slightly, and said to Ma Xiaoliu next to him, "You silly boy, don't you see that these four guest officers are all confident? They will never let me do anything. It's about things, am I right? How many guest officers?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "You are right, but you will not be in any danger, and I can definitely guarantee your safety. I just want to know a person who has not opposed anyone. I am really curious about how someone from your family would suddenly come to deal with you, and I hope you can satisfy my curiosity."

Su Liangjun frowned suddenly and said, "We all overlooked one thing just now, that is, what Mr. Bai said just now, you can hear everything outside but you can't hear the sound of arrows shooting out. It seems that only a bow and arrow can reach it." Such a request."

Bai Yunfei looked at Su Liangjun curiously and said, "Do you already know what kind of things can be shot, silent arrows?"

Su Liangjun nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Yes, I know now, and his reputation is 10 points, because of hidden killing."

Chen Weimin's eyes widened, and he said incredulously, "How is this possible? Hasn't Yinsha been completely destroyed? How can anyone still make it?"

Su Lingjun shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I don't know how to weave it, but I can be sure that it is hidden killing, because only the arrows he shoots are silent."

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile and said, "It's really interesting, the name is also very interesting, Hidden Kill, the God of Killing in the Dark, really fits the name, but I'm really curious how he is. It’s getting more and more exciting for me.”

Ma Xiaoliu said worriedly, "Since he is silent, how can we prevent it? I am afraid that if he wants to kill us, none of us will be able to detect it. We should quickly notify the soldiers and let them go one by one." Search?"

Shopkeeper Hu shook his head slightly and said, "It's useless. Even if you notify all the soldiers, they won't find any clues. The opponent must be strong and possess such a weapon. Then His status is also 10 points high, so he will definitely not find out anything."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly at Shopkeeper Hu and said, "May I take the liberty to ask about your family background?"

Shopkeeper Hu shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you, I don't have any family members at all, and I'm also an orphan. The reason why I can see this inn is because I introduced it myself It is precisely because of this that I help orphans like Ma Xiaoliu and the others."

Ma Xiaoliu nodded and said, "Yes, it is precisely because of this that we are more like a family. All of us have already regarded Sister Hu as our own sister."

Bai Yunfei nodded and smiled and said, "I see, that's why you are so worried, but don't worry, as long as they come again next time, I will definitely be able to catch them all."

Let time pass slowly, because they have been here for a week, but nothing happened during this week, and no one will deal with shopkeeper Hu again.

Jiao Yang frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Has the other party completely given up? If the other party really gave up, what should we do? We don't know whether to stay here or leave. You can stay here forever."

Su Liangjun frowned, and said in a puzzled way, "This is really weird, it doesn't look like their style at all, because it is said that people who hold hidden killers like to kill each other very much, if they don't complete the task, I will definitely do everything possible to kill the other party again, and I will never give them any chance to survive. Could it be that the person holding the hidden killer has become very timid now."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Then you are wrong, it is not that he has become timid to fail, but has become very cautious. He has been outside and observed here for 5 days. , but he has not acted, and I have not seen the hidden killer in his hand, so I have not done anything to him."

Ma Xiaoliu's eyes widened immediately, and he said in disbelief, "How could it be possible that he has been hiding around us for 5 days, why didn't I notice anything?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "That's because you didn't realize it at all. He has been with us for 4 weeks, and his position is very tricky. If you look at it with the naked eye, you can't see it at all, and I also can't see it." It’s just that I heard it with my own ears, so I found out his location later.”

Chen Weimin smiled slightly and said, "It seems that it is very unlucky to be your enemy, because they don't know how to expose their position at all."

(End of this chapter)

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