Chapter 1108 Ma Xiaoliu's Test
Bai Yunfei immediately showed a satisfied smile, smiled lightly and said, "But judging from your performance, it should be a good 10 points, and you should also be able to feel that your gains should be 10 points rich, in fact Sometimes people are like this, only when I get income, I will feel the beauty of the world in the future, but now it is time to look at Ma Xiaoliu's test."

Jiao Yang smiled slightly and said, "I'm really looking forward to it now, to see what kind of test he is going to be able to make Brother Bai, you leave him at the end?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "Then you can take a look at his test now, the test is actually not as difficult as you imagined, on the contrary, his test is 10 points easy, as long as he can control it If you live in your own body, it is considered a success."

At this moment, Ma Xiaoliu suddenly felt that he had a force controlling his body, no matter how he tried to break free, he couldn't really break free, as if he had become a puppet.

A child appeared in front of Ma Xiaoliu looking at Ma Xiaoliu with his innocent eyes.

Although Ma Xiaoliu knew that this was a test, he still couldn't bear it, because he could feel his heart beating constantly, and he was constantly wanting more power to control himself, but that A force controlled himself to pick up the knife, and walked towards the child step by step.

Ma Xiaoliu wanted to shout, but he couldn't say anything at all, he could only use his greatest strength to resist that powerful energy, so that he could completely control his body.

But no matter how hard he tried, it didn't have any effect. This powerful energy, like a worm with a bone, was constantly controlling his body, making him quickly walk towards the child In the past, he raised the knife in his hand.

Ma Xiaoliu was very angry, and he yelled out quickly, at the same time, the power in him disappeared instantly, and the child in front of him also disappeared, Ma Xiaoliu gasped heavily, He kept panting there, obviously it was very exciting to him just now.

At this moment, Ma Xiaoliu suddenly felt that his body didn't belong to him again, and this time, it seemed that someone kept saying some very tempting words in his ear, which made him start to feel uncomfortable. Gradually lost himself.

Jiao Yang frowned slightly, and said in disbelief, "This is too perverted, it's too difficult to use such a method to force him, to find a way to control his thoughts, Brother Bai, what are you doing?" It’s not really that some are too vicious.”

"If he can't pass this level, he knows that he will still be controlled by his blankness, so this is the best way to heal him. As long as he can hold on to control, then he will never will not be controlled."

Su Liangjun said curiously, "Then if he has no way to control it, what should he do? Will he really die in it? Or will he be abolished directly?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Such a simple question, do I still need to tell you? If he really has no way to break free from that power of fear, then he will truly become, this power If the time comes, he will be possessed by the demon directly, do you think the demonized person can still live?"

Chen Weimin frowned slightly and said, "He's our own companion, so brother, is it necessary for you to do this? Even if you want to improve our strength, there is no need for such efforts, you know, if one is not good , then his life will be completely ruined."

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "Even if you don't need to do this at all, because everyone will die, it depends on whether the reason for this person's death is worth it? If he really has a way to fight for that If there is a power to control him, then his future life will become very exciting, but if he can't control it, then there is no way and no one can help him, instead of letting him die in the hands of other people In his hands, it is better to let him live like an ordinary person."

At this moment, Ma Xiaoliu let out another today's roar, and the strange energy in him was actually directly broken by him.

Ma Xiaoliu gasped for breath like a person who had escaped from drowning in the water, his body was drenched with sweat.

But just as he sent it, a more powerful controlling force quickly enveloped him, completely controlling him in an instant, and even this time, even his own soul felt a little bit of it. Yes, tired feeling like going to sleep.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said with some pity, "It's really a pity, he would relax. If he didn't relax, there would be no such result at all. He is still a little too immature. He should have checked his body directly and quickly to eliminate all the factors that can control his body, then he will succeed directly, but now he has already fought to the death."

Just when everyone was playing for Ma Xiaoliu, Ma Xiaoliu bit his tongue quickly and spit out a mouthful of blood. He became very sober all of a sudden, and saw Wang Xiaoliu Immediately, he quickly circulated all the power in his body, and after a while, he only heard another terrifying roar from him.

Ma Xiaoliu knelt down on the ground as if he had collapsed, but he was able to control his body very well, and he was no longer controlled by others at will like before.

Seeing the collapsed Ma Xiaoliu appear in front of him, Bai Yunfei showed a slight smile, and said with satisfaction, "Congratulations, you have succeeded, and you will never go crazy again, your performance is really great. "

Ma Xiaoliu smiled innocently and said, "Brother Bai made you worry, but now I feel that my body is very comfortable, and I don't have any hidden feelings anymore. This is really great, but Bai Brother, although I can control my body now, I still want to follow you, is that okay?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly laughed and said, "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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