Chapter 1111
Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said softly, "Do you really want to know what the next fighting method will be like? If you really want to know, then I will show it to you when I have a chance, so that you Take a look at his true power, I hope you don't blink your eyes when the time comes."

Ma Xiaoliu chuckled and said, "I really can't wait to know what's the difference. Could it be that Brother Bai can't use it here?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "There is no way to use it here, because once it is used, everything around it will be destroyed. Are you willing to see innocent people around you being implicated?"

All of them shook their heads quickly. If they killed the people around them out of curiosity, they would all feel very uneasy.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps was suddenly heard, and many soldiers from outside came here quickly. They surrounded the inn layer by layer, and all the people around were expelled.

A man wearing a general uniform strode in and said loudly, "Everyone in the inn stay where they are. Anyone who dares to move again will be shot!"

I saw that all the soldiers were all fast, and all the guests were surrounded. As long as anyone dared to make a move, they would definitely be shot to death.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, looked at the soldiers and said calmly, "These videos have all been reduced to his lackeys now, and there is no possibility of saving them, so there is no need to keep anything."

At this moment, a few soldiers quickly came to the second floor and controlled all the guests inside.

A little waiter bowed his head and said to the general, "The general is the guy who killed those people."

That year the general came directly to Bai Yunfei's table quickly, snorted coldly and said, "You guys are really brave, you dare to make trouble here, and you dare to search the Internet and throw corpses in front of the door, you are really brave It's too big."

Jiao Yang frowned slightly, and said with a cold snort, "Dogs can't spit out ivory. These people speak too badly. Ma Xiaoliu will teach them a lesson. I don't want to hear anything from him again."

Ma Xiaoliu shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Why me, can't you do it yourself?"

Jiao Yang said as a matter of course, "Then it goes without saying, who told you that your knife is faster. If your knife is slow, I won't call you anymore."

Ma Xiaoliu shook his head helplessly, and said, "Well, whoever said that you are stronger than me, I can only listen to you."

The general slightly turned his brows to the right and said loudly, "You guys are really brave and dare to attack me. I think you really don't know what death is..."

Before the general finished speaking, he suddenly felt his tongue hurt and screamed, but found that he couldn't say anything.

Ma Xiaoliu chuckled and said, "How is it? Am I very good? I made him unable to speak a single word. You should be able to be quiet now."

Jiao Yang nodded slightly, and said with satisfaction, "Yes, the knife skills are very good. As expected of what I asked you to do, you are quite satisfied with what you did. It is the best for these guys who spray shit in their mouths." punished."

A soldier pointed tremblingly, and everyone said, "You guys are so bold, don't you know who you injured just now? He is the brother-in-law of our group leader. I think you really don't want to live anymore. "

Bai Yunfei patted the chopsticks on the table, and saw that all the chopsticks flew out.

All the soldiers were screaming, it turned out that all the soldiers had been stabbed by Bai Yunfei's chopsticks, and their hands were all stuck on the ground, there was no way to lift them up.

What made these soldiers even more terrified was that all the energy in their bodies had disappeared quickly. After a while, all of them disappeared completely, and their strength all became ordinary people.

At this time, all the soldiers on the first floor heard the movement and ran up quickly, but when they ran up, they found that all their compatriots were lying on the ground, and they immediately took out their weapons and looked at them vigilantly. , Bai Yunfei them.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "There are really enough of them. If one batch is killed, another batch will come again. It really can't be killed cleanly."

Chen Weimin yelled and said, "Brother Bai, don't be joking. You didn't kill them at all. You can see that they are still breathing. It's just that everything on them has become a cripple. It's really the same with you." Dead, it doesn't make any difference."

Su Liangjun smiled faintly and said, "I think Brother Bai's way of dealing with it is very good. It should be like this when dealing with these people. Otherwise, these people don't know why Hua'er is so popular."

Jiao Yang smiled slightly and said, "Brother Bai, there are no chopsticks on the table now, how can you make it the same as before?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "But didn't I tell you about the new fighting method? Now I can give you a little demonstration. Although it is not powerful, it can also let you see its method."

The aura on Bai Yunfei's body exploded in an instant, and countless thin needles came out and appeared in front of everyone quickly, stabbing those soldiers.

I saw those soldiers screamed again, and they all fell to the ground. This time, all the soldiers were lying there like dead dogs, without any life anymore.

Chen Weimin said thoughtfully, "The needles just now are all fake, they are all condensed by energy, am I right?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, showed a slight smile, and said with a soft smile, "You are right, that's what you said, but how far you can go, then it depends on you. I know that some people can condense them into a 10-point powerful armor, and they can also condense them into a big sword. All kinds of shapes can be changed at will, it just depends on what you can do That's all. But if you can't do it, it means that you don't have any qualification standards at all."

(End of this chapter)

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