Chapter 1136 Chen Weixia

Chen Weimin sighed slightly and said, "Isn't it really abhorrent to be able to look at them like this, and become such a demon and die directly under our sword?"

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly and said, "There is no other way, this is their mission, no one can change their fate, they can only accept it passively, this is the most helpless choice. "

Bai Yunfei walked quickly to the side, and Chen Weixia, who was still beating the drum, said lightly, "You don't need to keep beating the drum there, it's useless, your sound waves won't help them at all. If you don’t have any effect, the most you can do is to make them suffer more, if you don’t want them to continue to suffer like this, then stop your actions, only death is the best relief for them.”

Chen Weixia frowned slightly, and said coldly, "You are the Mr. Bai they are talking about. How can you be so sure that they have no chance of salvation? Then you didn't see that they all Are they struggling? As long as they can overcome the demons in their hearts, they will be able to return to their original appearance again, and I believe they will be able to recover."

Bai Yunfei sighed, and said helplessly, "Now the whole world has changed, and you don't have any power to change them at all. You should take a good look at what is going on in this world." , only when you really understand this world, then you can bring them back to life directly."

Chen Weiming said curiously, "Oh, it's possible to bring them all back to life again. Is there such a power?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Of course, of course there is such power, but such power is something you cannot accept. If you want to get in touch, then You need to keep practicing hard."

Chen Weixia came over at this time, frowned slightly and said, "This is really strange, I just didn't expect that there is such a thing, how do you know it, and you seem to know everything that happened here? Is it all your fault?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "You are really right, it is really my fault, but so what? It is not my fault, so what, but all of this The cause is actually all because of me, you can be regarded as I accounted for more than half of the responsibility, but it is too late to say these things now, let's first think about how to get out of this palace alive."

Su Liangjun looked at 4 weeks in confusion and said, "What's going on these [-] weeks?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "The real monsters are coming here soon, and all the soldiers around have become their lackeys. If you don't leave here quickly, you will be chased by them. It is possible to be killed by them, and their strength is already happening now, and the change in motivation today has reached the level of Wu Zun, and they will become even stronger in the future."

The six of them ran out of the palace directly and quickly, but there was chaos in the entire imperial city, and almost all the people were fighting there constantly.

Chen Weimin frowned and said in a cold voice, "What the hell is going on? Why are these people fighting on their own? I saw that many people didn't really change into other things at all. How could they suddenly become So what happened to this?"

Bai Yunfei snorted coldly and said, "Ambition These people have all been filled with ambition in their hearts now, and they all want to be emperor now, so they are fighting such a battle. It's a pity that they don't know what they will face... What is it, I am afraid that it will not be long before they all regret what they have done now, and even when the time comes, they will all face destruction."

Chen Weiming frowned slightly and said, "There is no such empire in my hands. It is as strong as before. I have been working hard to completely control them again and restore them to peace again, but now Looking at it, it is simply impossible, so that's good, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Chen Weixia frowned slightly, snorted coldly and said, "I really don't know what you are thinking. You would manage a good country like this. You are really not suitable to be the master of this country." .If it had been in my hands at that time, it would never have become like you. Those who dared to rebel would be killed without mercy. I don’t believe that those damned guys would dare to rebel.”

Chen Weiming sighed slightly and said, "If you do this, I'm afraid this country has already been in war, and you don't even know how many hidden conspiracies and tricks there will be. It's not a simple killing It can be stopped, but it will not have any effect at all, only by slowly dividing can they succeed."

Chen Weimin smiled slightly and said, "It's useless to say these things now, and there is no such so-called position now, if you still rush to that position and don't let go, it will only make you really meet. Now only the three of us, siblings, are the most reliable partners, so we can't be awkward anymore."

Chen Weixia snorted slightly, and said lightly, "The two of you have made me feel uneasy since I was a child, so you just stay here and wait for me obediently. I will keep you safe. As for these damned guys , I'll get rid of them all."

Chen Weixia directly and quickly took out a piano and played it non-stop.

I saw that those people who were fighting all fell to the ground in pain, and some even started to foam at the mouth, and they didn't know what to do next, and all lost their consciousness.

Chen Weixia did not relax at all, but continued to play there non-stop, and these more enemies kept screaming there.

After time passed slowly, all the people fell to the ground and died completely.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with some emotion, "But I didn't expect that your sister is stronger than you. You have improved to your current strength with my help, but your sister seems to be stronger than you." It's a hundred times more powerful."

(End of this chapter)

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