Chapter 1139 Everyone's Mission
Ma Xiaoliu said curiously, "The rules of the game, Brother Bai, what do you mean by the rules of the game? Could it be that what is dropped by killing a monster is called the rules of the game?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, nodded lightly and said, "Your understanding is completely correct, maybe you haven't seen a game where you can kill monsters in it and pack equipment for yourself to improve your strength. It's actually exactly the same as now. Yes, it’s just mixed with some realistic rules, so it’s a bit nondescript.”

Ma Xiaoliu shook his head slightly, and said with some emotion, "I really didn't expect such a thing to exist, but what should we do, Brother Bai? Are we just passively accepting such rules like this? I believe Brother Bai You should be able to completely change the rules like this."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "If you want to change the rules like this, you have to work hard on your own, and I believe that you have a lot of ways to change everything, but What you can change into is up to you, and I hope you will never let me down."

Ma Xiaoliu suddenly said silently, "Brother Bai, do you think I can also do the resurrection that you said before?"

Seeing Ma Xiaoliu's appearance, Bai Yunfei immediately smiled and said, "Could it be that you want to resurrect your parents? If so, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because they may have already been reincarnated by now. Reincarnation, so even if you really want to restore them, it is impossible, because only those who have not been reincarnated can be resurrected, as long as the soul is reincarnated, no one can change their fate .”

Ma Xiaoliu suddenly sat aside helplessly, sighed and said, "Brother Bai, why do you still tell me what Chen Weiming and the others did? When they find out that they can do it, they can't resurrect those who died Man, I'm sure they will all be very disappointed."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "No one knows what will happen at that time, and when they can reach that point, I believe they should have their own choices. I just gave They have only one hope, as for whether they can grasp it, it depends on their own, and you are the same, only by constantly becoming stronger can you be qualified to live in this world."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he patted the table next to him lightly, and some sundries on the table flew out quickly.

Ma Xiaoliu was a little scared, and quickly dodged it. When he turned around, he found Bai Yunfei, all the sundries on the table hit a monster, and Bai Yunfei instantly killed that monster.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "How is it? Did you feel very surprised when you saw this place, and did you feel very incredible? All these monsters are like this, silent, so you must Be prepared to be careful at all times, otherwise you may be killed by them at any time."

Ma Xiaoliu said with a little emotion, "I really didn't expect them to have such abilities. I'm afraid many people will die because of their carelessness. Brother Bai, why didn't you remind Chen Weiming and them at that time?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "That's because they all have their own missions, and I can't forcibly change all of their missions, so there's nothing I can do about it."

Ma Xiaoliu said curiously, "Then if you change their temple, Big Brother Bai, what will happen to them? Will they die immediately?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said flatly, "They won't die, they'll just be with you forever."

Ma Xiaoliu shuddered suddenly, he could imagine what kind of scene it would be if a person was unlucky all the time, he might not be able to live the moment of real life.

Bai Yunfei looked at the sky with eyes full of vicissitudes at this time, and said lightly, "Actually, sometimes living a long life is not necessarily a very good thing. Maybe it felt very good at the beginning, and I feel that everything will be nothing. When you care about it, but when you see all your friends slowly dying of old age, what will your mood be like, I believe you can understand without me telling you."

Ma Xiaoliu frowned slightly, and after thinking carefully, he said in a puzzled way, "Then why do people still pursue immortality? Since we already know the disadvantages of immortality, why do we still want to live forever?" ? And many people are able to give up everything in order to live forever, isn't this contradictory?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Everyone has something they want to pursue. This is what I call a mission, and you also have your own mission, but you don't know it yourself. However, when you and I When they meet together, your mission will change, but don’t worry, it won’t affect you in any way, because your mission has completely disappeared, and you can live freely.”

Ma Xiaoliu suddenly said with some fear, "Brother Bai, didn't you just say that you can't change a person's mission at will? Now that my mystery has changed, does that mean that I am going to have bad luck?"

Bai Yunfei laughed haha, shook his head slightly and said, "Then you are really wrong, because I didn't change your mission at all, but you changed it yourself, so this will definitely not cause any harm to you. Influence, and your own mission is to live freely, so are you running to live freely now?"

After thinking about it for a while, Ma Xiaoliu nodded slightly and said, "That's true, but what I want to know more now is, where should we go now? If we stay in this village until dark, I'm afraid this village will There is no way to really live in it, right?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "There is still a big guy here. I am waiting for that big guy to arrive. As long as it is settled, we will leave here. If he doesn't come, we can only stay here." Continue to wait for when he will come and when he will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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