Chapter 1143
As time passed slowly, when the night just fell, Ma Xiaoliu jumped up quickly, directly towards a wall next to him, and quickly hammered it.

He only heard the sound of clattering, and the wall was actually pierced by him.

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "You are really slow enough, you are just looking for one, I think you have been looking for a whole day, you are really good enough."

Ma Xiaoliu smiled embarrassedly and said, "The most important thing is that I never thought that such a thing would happen, nor did I think that the wall is actually empty."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "If I didn't remind you, wouldn't it take you a long time to find it completely?"

Ma Xiaoliu nodded slightly, and said with some embarrassment, "Brother Bai, you are right. If it hadn't been for your reminder, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for me to find out what's going on here. Is there something for me?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said lightly, "When did you say I lied to you? If there is something that suits you, there must be something that suits you, but whether you can get it or not is your own. Go in by yourself." , you are a test for you, I hope you can pass it."

Ma Xiaoliu nodded and quickly entered the cave, but when he entered, he found that the inside was different from what he had done, the lights inside were brightly lit, and there were many knives in front of him. , but all these knives were randomly placed on the ground.

"It's really strange. How come there are so many knives here, and these knives, they give me the feeling that they all have their own souls. This is really strange. It really makes me choose among them. A knife of my own? But how do I choose among so many knives?"

Ma Xiaoliu thought for a while and couldn't figure out why, so he directly and quickly took two knives and compared them in his hands according to his own thoughts.

Although his two knives are 10 points good, but he has no desire to use this knife at all, because he feels that these two knives are not suitable for him at all.

Ma Xiaozhou walked forward while searching, and gradually he came to a very prosperous place, but there were no weapons in it, but as he continued to move, he gradually discovered that there were actually two knives on the wall , and these two knives were hanging like that, covered with dust, as if they hadn't been used for many years.

Ma Xiaoliu walked directly to the side of the two knives by accident.

The more he looked at the two knives, the more he felt that the two knives seemed to be calling him, hoping that he could hold the two knives directly in his hands.

Ma Xiaoliu believed his own feelings, and directly and quickly took everyone's knives in their hands. At this moment, the two knives trembled quickly, and one after another of bright lights quickly lit up.

Ma Xiaoliu looked at the two knives in his hands that had changed their appearance, and suddenly showed a tinge of joy, and he also knew the names of the two knives, Yin and Yang Double Knives.

Ma Xiaoliu caressed the two double knives, and said with a smile, "From now on, we will fight side by side. I hope you don't dislike me."

I saw the yin and yang swords trembling quickly, now they all heard Ma Xiaoliu's words, and they didn't have any resistance, obviously they all agreed with Ma Xiaoliu's words 10%.

Ma Xiaoliu happily left the cave directly, and quickly came outside to face Bai Yunfei, and said with a little show off, "Brother Bai, look, this is my new weapon, and their power is very powerful , they all have their own spirituality, 10 points are suitable for me!"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "If it suits you, you can't waste your innocence. You still have to practice hard. If you don't cultivate well, no matter how good a weapon is, it won't be of any use."

Ma Xiaoliu nodded slightly, smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Bai, I know I will never waste my martial arts, but Brother Bai, are we leaving here now, there should be nothing here something."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Do you really think that there are only a few things here? You must know that there are many good things here. It depends on whether you can find them. If you find If you don’t find it, it will be wasted in vain, but if you find it, you will be rich like an enemy.”

Ma Xiaoliu shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "I'm afraid no matter how much money there is, it won't be of much use. Now that the whole world is in chaos, there will be no use for it at all." , I am afraid that it will be useful only after the order is completely stabilized, right?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled faintly and said, "Then you are really wrong, you must know that although the world is in chaos now, they still have value, with them you can buy more There are a lot of things, so there will definitely be people who are willing to collect these things, if you don’t believe it, you can take out some things and try it out in a nearby city.”

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly walked to the side of the big tree on the other side, and knocked the big tree flying with one palm.

I saw a dark hole appeared beside him, and this hole was bottomless, as if there was something terrifying waiting for them to enter.

Bai Yunfei frowned and jumped in quickly. These are really full of all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry.

After Bai Yunfei quickly put them all away, he also quickly returned to the top, and smiled at Ma Xiaoliu, who was guarding next to him, and said, "Life is quite rich, and there are a lot of these things." Good thing, I really don't know who is lying here. I'm afraid he also wants to leave a way for his descendants, but this is really cheap. We should have nothing useful in the whole valley now. , let's get out of here."

Ma Xiaoliu nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Yeah, I really didn't expect that there would be so many treasures here. I am afraid that if the person who hides these things here knows that his treasures were given to us, They will definitely be very desperate, and I think he even has the intention of committing suicide."

(End of this chapter)

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